I hear it too, But I hear soothsayers are killed, cause everyone's superstitious. So I gotta keep my mouth shut... ;)
Silence before the storm! |
00:23 |
Many people have noticed that Arcanum sometimes crashes on the B side in the part with the bitmapscroller on a real 64. I may know a way to fix it, but I need several memory dumps ($0900-$f000) after crashing. The problem lies in the fact that my own 64's never seem to crash. So please help me out and send me a dump after the crash.
My e-mail adress : werner@vanloo.org
thanks in advance
8th day of betatesting.. |
23:13 |
Thanx to the C64 Banner Exchange for support.
News with icons are articles. You can click on the TITLE and read more...
Ex-Camelot Crestian Cyberzound Producer and Vibrating Maniac of Noise put together a little music collection named simply BEYOND containing 11?perfect soundtracks. It's one of the best music collections released this year. I thought I was finished with this one, but Proffessor Ugha Sid had a different opinion.
Half of the betatesting periond... yeah! |
11:12 |
I think MJK very cleverly understood my mubling about the purpose of this site. He said: "You mean not just a link collection to huge piles of disk images,
but information and support for current projects and events, right?" I can only say that, yes exactly this! ;-). Are you active? Do you want to stay in touch with the active scene? Are you interested in today's situation in the C=64 world? This site is for you. And moreover, you don't have to wait for someone to add your news into the system, you are allowed to add it on your own. This is no retro site, but it doesn't mean we won't write about "retro". We of course will, but from the point of view of an active scener. We also like the BIT project, or old games collections, but we still use the C=64, so why should we look back if we still can look forward. Today, we are in the half of the betatesting period and it seems that the portal is pretty functional. For the future I plan some betanews for "b-cathegory" news like the previous one about Atari. I would preffer not to erase your news so some beta news could help to keep this site polished.
Escape 2001 was held on 11. 5. - 13. 5. 2001 in Espoo - Finland. I believe that the Finnish dudes had a great fun and judging by the quality of the releases the party was quite a successful event. Please take in consideration that we still are in the betatesting phase of the system, so I can't wait for correctures, therefore please excuse possible typos and grammar mistakes. Link updated by MacGyver on 16th September 2011, 11:43 CET
First bug found & eliminated. We are in the half of the betatesting phase. And yes, we've found a bug ;-). Editors couldn't upload pictures. Now it's okay. By the way feel free to add your own news - no need to contact the editors. For the ispiration, what your messages could be about read the text line on the top of the browser window.
? ? The night has been long and dark. There's been nothing that could be seen, one could only hear. Silent wings, beaks, claws. Gasping for breath, screams of death. The fight for life in the endless night. But suddenly, all the sounds of the nature's bowels went out. First a complete silence spread all over the troubled land. Then a nightingale probed a tone or two and soon the land could hear a bird's gentle song after eons. No, the fight was not all over... But the air was full of hope. Full of hope that there was a sun, full of hope that the sun would rise... again... There was a forefeeling in the air. The forefeeling of DAWN.
? ? The first issue of DAWN, the disk magazine by DMagic, will be out in exactly 100 days. It will be available of course through snail mail, but also at the DMagic site (to be launched in the summer) and major ftp sites. The 1st of September will be the day. The day of DAWN.
X-2001 Party page online |
21:52 |
X-2001 party organisers are accelerating. After X'95, X'96, X'97-Takeover,X'98 and X-2000 X-2001 will be the sixth party in the X-series organized by the same crew, consisting of members of SCS*TRC and XENON. X-2001 will take place from the 23th till the 25th of November 2001 in Hengelo (Gld.)- The Netherlands. The doors will open at 19:00 on Friday and close at 12:00 on Sunday.
For more info, registration, rules and maps check out the official X-2001 party site.
Newcomer almost here? |
14:15 |
You've probably noticed that apparent lack of updates at the Newcomer site. But the team proclaims in the guest book, that their making progress.
" Well, we are not idling, I must tell you guys. The amount and complexity of the text is truly painful and we must also implement an e-manual onto the boot-disk. This also takes some time. Please let us not make a crap out of the game after so many years of hard work. Unfortunately, we got natives` help only in the last minute, but this will surely raise the quality of the game. Those American guys do they best for free and we cannot ask them for more. Thank you for your patience. We are at the very end, anyway... ZoliENC "
just support :)) ??Thanx, check this site later. CreaMD.
Uhmm, my site is alive! |
20:17 |
My old C64.SK site is alive in new look and feel!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! I'm very happy...
After 3 weeks of betatesting, hardware crashes, major life problems and other unpredictable troubles, this site is officially launching. What is it's main purpose, what were the reasons for "another" c64 news site? What are our plans for the future? Read and learn in this article.
The D day has come, after dedicated and complicated development we are launching this site. First two weeks we should spend on some betatesting. Thanx for support and help to everyone who supported and helped. ;-)
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