C64 as a web server |
16:30 |
Read this news on OJUICE.ORG: Funny. A C64 webserver serving web pages for demonstration :) Oldsk00l indeed ;) Chandra / Orange Juice ? http://c64.cc65.org
SidPlay2 - Newest release |
14:10 |
The perfect SID emulation via software is less far away, thanks to this great piece of code: windowed interface, stereo, samples, and, most of all, real C64 sound (cycle exact)!
Try it now! http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~d93-alo/c64/spw/
Weekend problems and a lesson for the future... |
19:38 |
During the last weekend the database at our host was overloaded. Most probably thanx to an indexing spider which opened too many connections to the database at the same time. We have made 2 independent solutions which should prevent this from happening in the future. The further solutions shouldn't have any visible effect, but in case c64.sk isn't active please try our alternative URL at www.studiostyle.sk/c64. If this URL doesn't work, we will keep you informed about the situation through other C=64 services (most probably through www.c64scene.info, www.wire.c64.org or, www.c64.org). Thank you for your support, and stay tuned for upcoming features.
C= meeting 16 february Holland |
15:53 |
Commodore meeting on Saturday 16 february 2002 from 10:00 till 16:00 Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland. We expect Commodore fans from Belgium, Germany and Holland. There will be C64's, C128's, 64SX's, all kinds of Amiga etcetera. It's important to be on time because around 14:00 there will be a discussion meeting for our members.
I've released a preview version of my commented C128 ROM disassembly. I hope to get some feedback ;-) Was working on it since more than a week, but still needs some improvement, so bookmark only! Size is optimized, but maybe there will be a light version in future too.
Also check out the html version too!
ComParade 9 - The South-German scene party |
12:10 |
The ComParade 9 is C64 & Amiga Scene party, held in Germeringen (near of Munich). The party days are from the 8.-10.02.2002, entrance fee is 10?.
More information can be found in the spread-letter of the organizers at
(English) and at the ComParade Homepage (German). PLEASE SPREAD AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!
Some of the new features are: Retro Replay support, palette calculator for better colors, stereo SID support, improved VDC emulation etc.
Vice homepage
Jeroen Kimmel Colly Bug Report |
19:41 |
Important note: The colly is protected with Plush's Emufuxx00r V1.0 and this version has some bugs. So sometimes on your real C64 you will see that you run it with emulator! Sorry not my fault!!!! Wait two weeks for 100% version but first I must have the latest fux00r version! In this time please don't spread my colly officially or with my notice. BIG SORRY FOR THIS PROBLEM. Use real c64!
Jeroen Kimmel Music Collie! (plus bonus files) |
12:57 |
Finally I made it.Contact me for colly but remember:only for real c64 users!!!!
Get "AMERICA" by Kjell Nordbo |
01:08 |
The demo "AMERICA" by Kjell Nordbo / Blues Muz' / Shape released earlier this month finally reached us. Go & get it here! Thanks to Jazzcat for sending it.
ArachoPhobia 23 is out |
15:10 |
Issue 23 of ArachoPhobia by Spiders-Crew and Role has been released. Until it shows up on the ArachnoPhobia site you can download it here.
Santa Claus SuperCPU Demo for Wheels |
03:46 |
I have released the Santa Claus demo for Wheels (GEOS) 64 or 128 systems (40 column mode). Does require a SuperCPU, but SuperRAM is not needed. Basically, it is a demo showing off the full-screen FLI modes of the Coca-Cola Santa Claus in either high resolution or multicolor mode.
The demo for NTSC and PAL audiences, along with complete source code can be found at: www.geocities.com/eyethian2000/ccsanta.html. Screenshots are included by the courtesy of Ray Allen for those who do not run GEOS or do not have the necessary hardware, i.e., a SuperCPU needed to view this demo. Enjoy.
Todd Elliott
Lara4ever 4kb Intro - 100% version |
21:57 |
This cute 2 minute 4k intro hit my inbox today, it's a 100% version of Lara4ever 4k intro released at Symposium&Mekka 2001, last year. Kewl music by Top Secret/Cult (thanx for the sending) & decent coding by Visac/Cult. LaraCroft's pixels (curently represented by Angelina Jolie) probably made by both dudes. Thanx for sign of life Culters and see ya in march at this year's Forever. Download the intro here.
Finally, CreaMD is back with another of his neverending attempts to completely blame himself internationally. Except of his well known X-2001 party incident this exclusive party report brings you the most comprehensive (=totally boring) info on the event written by this (wannabe) eccentric dude himself. Good news is that it's at least accompained by one or two interesting photos. Enjoy.
Mr.Mouse releases two new Cybertracker tunes |
22:10 |
Mr.Mouse/XeNTaX released the first tunes done in NoName's Cybertracker for this year! The songs are 'Gogogo!', which is a raving and up-tempo tune, and 'Wait for it!', which is a funky, old skool style jam. The tunes are downloadable at the link to the right --->
They are executable c64 PRGs and should be run on an actual c64!
Level 64 website finally online |
03:04 |
We finally got all the pieces together and Bovirtual managed to organize it all. So far one demo online and 6 sids (5 by AMB, 1 by finnr). Agod's fine artwork (covers) to be found as well. Go visit www.level-64.com Some more Sids from BCN??(creamd)
Alternative Party is over |
13:42 |
The Alternative Party took place on 11.-13. January in Helsinki/Finland. 2 of the releases are the Demos Hunger and Cafe Lamer, both from Extend. Electric/Extend released a Compopic called Meiju Suvas. Updated by MacGyver on 16th September 2011, 11:29 CET
Vandalism News #37 and AQUA demo |
14:37 |
The 37th issue of Vandalism News by Onslaught & Wrath Designs was released together with the new demo by Wrath Designs called AQUA! Apart from regular chapters, the magazine brings the recapitulation of the last year's events, the complete list of games, demos, collections, tools released and parties organised. It also has a 2001 awards chapter. Enjoy it and give reactions to Jazzcat, please!
B.O.F.H. - Servers Under Siege - full version |
06:24 |
As the Bastard Operator From Hell, combat insane terrorists, defuse bombs in network equipment closets, and defeat terrorist leaders hiding in the server-room at the highest floor of your workplace. Download. C64 conversion of the addictive overhead-view action shoot'em-up gives you 9 powerful weapons including good old double barelled shotgun, flamethrower, grenades, or even electric drill. Screenshots: 1, 2.
New publication on paper |
22:08 |
Retro Computing Today - What is the big idea?
There seems to be a growing interest in computers and technology of yesteryear. With very few publications actually acknoledging this, it is left to a handful of small magazines to fill the gap, with profitable publications such as Computer and Video Games dedicating less than 4 pages to "The Old School". Retro Computing Today aims to be the one of the first professional publication to cover all topics regarding this very subject matter, instead of concentrating on one particular computer or platform, as Commodore Scene does, Retro Computing Today aims to cover as many topics as there are interests for. For instance, those people who choose to use a Vic 20 to view web sites through to the AmigaOne platform.
Obviously, the more support a particular platform recieves, the more of the magazine will be dedicated to covering it, however, we would hope to provide some sort of balance, unlike at least 90% of current publications, whom tend to concentrate on the Windows/XBox platform and the likes.
Do you have big ideas yourself?
Details are sketchy at the minute, as the publication is still in early planning stages. We can confirm the following:
Launch issue for early May 2002.
8 copies a year (1 every 6 weeks). If there is enough demand, we will move towards 10 copies a year (1 every 5 weeks).
Website launched soon.
Special edition no. 1 will be available to pre-order soon.
So, if you would like to shape this publication, please email me with your suggestions or comments.
If you would like to write any articles for the launch issue, please forward them in .txt format, with the subject matter as Submissions 092246. We would appreciate greatly any help we can get.
Thank you for reading,
"0a000h" is a demoparty in southern Germany. It's a gathering for members of the so-called demoscene, made up of young multimedia enthusiasts that spend their time with coding, making music and producing graphics, simply: modern art.
Compos for the C64: Demo, Gfx, Msx and 4k Intro. Check out the website http://www.0a000h.de. Where & when ?
The date will be 25. - 27. January. Place is Spiegelberg-Jux (near Stuttgart/Germany). That's no joke, it's really a small place with that name.
Fzool / Same?SdS
Disk covers online... |
21:18 |
12 old disk covers by Boo/Creators & Mermaid/Creators have been uploaded to mermaid.c64scene.org/creators/ - all covers are scanned at 300dpi - in other words: when printed they will look just as awful...uh...make that GOOD...as they did when they were first drawn back in 1994 ;-)
The Forever 2002 staff would like to express much gratitude to the Belgian group ROLE from whom we've just received a donation of EUR 60 for organizing the party. This is a great help for our budget. Dear ROLE, thank you very much for your support! We won't forget to mention you wherever possible.
In the name of the Forever 2002 staff, CreaMD and Wotnau/DMagic, the C64 organizers
Game Production in the works |
15:36 |
A new Commodore 64 game is in the works. 'Heavy Metal Deluxe' will be a co-op game production by The New Dimension and Civitas. This will be one of my first ever games that use a hi-res picture as main game. I'm hoping to release this game sometime in February or March. Want to know more about the game visit The New Dimension web site.
Thanks for enthusiasm, now there're around 20 testers which I believe is enough. For the rest, keep an eye on ftp://c64.rulez.org, the TRIAD version of the beta is already there. BOFH - Server under Siege is a third person shot-em-up seen from above. Addictive gameplay, moving soundtrack and stunning arsenal of weapons are coming soon. (ed.) Screenshots: 1, 2.
geoZIP v0.7 Re-Release! |
01:43 |
Internal will be out in February |
17:44 |
We in WOW are busy working on a new issue of Internal. Our plan is to release a new issue in early february. Please support us by sending News, Memberstatus, Future Plans, URL, upcoming party events and everything else that could be interesting to the.alien@cityweb.de. Although you should visit wow.c64.org to fill in our votesheet! Thanx for your support!
Stay active!
Cuneiform 0.3 Released |
19:55 |
Cuneiform has just been updated to version 0.3. There have been some minor changes/fixes, but the major difference is that it now uses the global clipboard instead of its own local clipboard, so you can copy/paste between applications. (Support for pasting bitmaps into Cuneiform will be added in a future version).
You can download it at scrapdog.freeservers.com/cunei.html
Fyanica #7 party-results |
13:26 |
The Fyanica #7, Amiga- & C64-party took place on 5.-6. January in Budapest/Hungary. Here are the results:
1. "Larch" by Resource+Breeze (coopdemo) - download
GFX compo:
1. Leon/Singular
2. Poison/Singular
WILD compo:
1. Fyanica intro (not C64 stuff but worthy to download, very fine C64 music cover, game and demo screens included!)
2. Breeze - Tom&Jerry (a full cartoon played on C64 VIC+SID, realtime linked from PC, Multicolor hires resolution, good framerate!)
TV show:
1. Leon/SGR crashing PC equipment, this Monday on RTL Klub (Hungarian TV) (There was no such compo ;-) )
Wow, that was a big month, December! 48 alpha-news items, this is the record so far! Keep on visiting, seeing, posting! Thank you all for the great support and for all your great production throughout the year of 2001. We promise that you can expect more improvements from us in the future, so stay tuned, they might come from any direction. Have a happy, creative and prosperous new year!
"Lobotomia 100%" by Dekadence released |
22:36 |
The complete version of "Lobotomia" is now available here.
There's quite a lot more to it than what was shown at The Party 2001 (the second part wasn't shown due to the fact that the organizers didn't have time to wait for decrunch)...
VISION photos now online! |
21:47 |
For everyone who enjoyed being at Protovision's VISION conference party held recently, and also for those who missed it - the photos are now online on Courage's VISION homepage!
Forever 2002 party (Trencin/Slovakia) |
03:45 |
New year - a year of anniversaries for all 3 major 8 bit platforms - has started. ZX spectrum & C64 are 20 years old & Atari is celebrating the 30th aniversary of it's foundation as a company. We all in the Forever organising team are looking forward to celebrate it at the 3rd edition of the Forever 8-bit party held on 15.?-?17. March 2002 in Trencin/Slovakia. Entrance fee: 200,- Sk (5?Eur). For more information visit the page of C64 organising section at: forever.studiostyle.sk. Don't forget to register in visitors&contributors list.
"Incora" by Dekadence released |
21:11 |
The Party 2001 winner picture ready 4 download |
20:14 |
Fzool / Salva Mea / Smash Designs
Floppy 2002 - party invitation |
17:07 |
Happy New Year, everyone! Today, 1/1/2002, the FLOPPY organizers give you the invitation for the FLOPPY 2002 party in Sweden. Everything you want to know should be presented in the file: download. But you are very welcome to contact any of organisers if you have more questions. More about the party at www.floppy.c64.org. See you there... Taper/TRIAD
Sessions: 0 Engine by Studio Style © 1999-2008. If you are looking for direct contacts on accommodation providers in Slovakia, you can use one of the best pages about accommodation in Slovakia which I've developed for my client: 1-2-3-ubytovanie.sk, 123u.sk