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FEBRUARY 2004   
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 29. FEBRUARY 2004
 mnib compatibility list update and new crc32-list 01:19
I?ve updated the mnib compatibility list and added a list of CRC32 codes for all corresponding d64 images. With the latter you can check if your d64-images (created from the original discs) are error-free.
mnib is Markus Brenner's Commodore disc image nibbler for DOS.

 24. FEBRUARY 2004
 2x2 CharEditor / Civitas 21:09
Havazardly active Chico just recently finished his new "2x2 Char Editor" being released under the Civitas label. Check our download-area. And do check out the tool, because it’s more than just another simple 2x2-editor. Some neat features promise ease of working.
 Retrogaming-Party in Oberhausen, Germany 18:50
Fri Feb 27 - Sun Feb 29, 2004 we are organising a retro-gaming weekend at the Druckluft in Oberhausen, Germany.
The entrance fee is 3 Euro per day, or 5 Euro for the weekend.

On all three days there will be about 30 consoles / homecomputers to look at and play with from pong to playstation incl. the C64, several djs and a cocktail-bar.

On Saturday there will be a discussion and lecture program. Among others we show some video-walkthroughs of old C64 classics and the German C64 / Atari vcs software developer Simon Quernhorst will talk about his work.

Opening times Fri 19-5, Sat 15-5, Sun 12-18

More information (German only, sorry):
 Should CSDb have 100% transparent votes? 15:36
The survey returns. It's located on the bottom of the right panel. Go and have your say on this subject. You can discuss "transparent votes" topic here!

 23. FEBRUARY 2004
 SidWine 3 Compo started 17:16
The 3? SidWine Online Music Competition is officially started.

Check the rules and follow the event at:

Proposed ending time for submitting a tune is 10 April 2004, end of voting will be 19 April 2004.

Source: comp.sys.cbm
 BoxWorld C64 02:43
I just finished the C64 port of BoxWorld and this game is typical example of code reuse. | mirror | Alternative Download

Updated by MacGyver on 25th February 2004, 22:34 CET

 22. FEBRUARY 2004
 CJ Transfer 128, version R2A 18:43
I hereby present version R2A of the C128 <-> other computer transfer program called CJ Transfer 128.

Changes compared to R1B:

* Xmodem with CRC in the direction to the remote computer is now supported. This makes the transfer start much faster if the remote computer has an Xmodem implementation with CRC, which is for example the case with HyperTerminal under Windows.

* Code optimizations have been made in order to make the executable (PRG file) smaller.

The web page is:
Christian Johansson

 21. FEBRUARY 2004
 New version of Sidplay2/w 13:38
Maintenance release:

* ReSID 0.15
* Improved CIA emulation in libsidplay2 (TOD emulation added)
* RSID support improved
+ CPU debugging output file is now asked for each time (NEW URL!)
 HVSC Update #38 is out! 13:28
HVSC Update #38 is now available for you to download at
After this update, the collection should contain 25,149 SID files!

This update features (all approximates):
1695 new SIDs, 126 fixed/better rips (130 SIDs), 2 fixes of PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs, 9 repeats/bad rips eliminated, 106 SID credit fixes.

Main composers featured in this update:
M E R M A N, Chris H?lsbeck, Stefan Hartwig, Kochan_Maciej, J?rg Rosenstiel, Scroll, Agemixer, Mr.Bungle, Replay, Compod, Signor, Arne, Welle: Erdball.

 20. FEBRUARY 2004
 Guestbook at Monastery Party web 09:47
I added guestbook at for them, who want to ask something about this party, travel or something else. I hope, that I will se new faces this year at this party.

 18. FEBRUARY 2004
 Coming soon releases on March by Hokuto Force 23:46
Take a look at the download section of our site to see to upcoming releases for March 8)
9 cool new releases from the Hokuto monastery will be soon on your monitor ....
 Crescent Launches New Website 13:57
Crescent?s website moved and updated. The new site includes some recently released SID tunes in addition to older releases.

 17. FEBRUARY 2004
 Commodore Cover Disk compiler needed 23:35
Richard (TND) will unfortunately be unable to compile the Commodore Scene cover disk after issue CS45 due to his situation with work, and Allan is looking for someone who is up to the task. If you are interested, please contact him. The details are available via Commodore Scene’s home-page at
 Forever 5 new party-page address 23:27
Update your bookmarks to: ;-) If you plan to visit the party, please register in the visitors list. Thanx.
 More than Nostalgia 20:01
I found an interresting URL in my archive today, it's a big article about C64 nostalgia and demo coding in general aswell as the retro-wave which is goin` on massively at the moment. It is in German language and was set as HEADLINE on 24.10.2003 at the most read internet-portal in Austria:
 Monastery Party 2004 11:27
Web of this party is .

 16. FEBRUARY 2004
 Protovision Update 22:01

Our Online Shop now also accepts PayPal. Happy shopping! :-)


Forum wise, there’s now a cooperation with Lemon 64 for the internation users and with Forum-64 for the German users. Inquiries should be places in one these Forums.


StereoINsid by Thunder.Bird is beeing improved further. The StereoSID Mailinglist has been launched by now. See for current information.

For updates on our game projects, check out the new issue of Scene World.

 15. FEBRUARY 2004
 A new magazine about 8 bit computers & games 13:54
Check the link for downloading the pdf-Version of this magagzine. It features interviews, gametests and alot more. check it out at:

 14. FEBRUARY 2004
 Hokuto Force warez of Feb 22:16
Here we go with:

Dicky?s Diamonds +2 +Dox
Spitting Image +10 +Dox
Rastan +20 +Pic +Dox +HS
 New Game and Demo! 19:42
CrC have released our second game another puzzle game called MATCH BOX today as well as a special demo called LURVE for Valentine?s Day! ENJOY!! ^_^
 Scene World #10 Is Out! 17:37

It’s Valentine’s Day, and that’s a good reason for us, to present you "Scene World" #10.
(Which also means that another 3 months have passed).

What you will get is a lot. 2 diskettes full of stuff; SWO#10 itself, "World Music #2", some game, same Hokuto Force stuff and some special present!

Thanks to all who made it possible!

Also, with SWO#10 on, you get a 1581 version! So, all the stuff on one 3.5" diskette!

 13. FEBRUARY 2004
 Nonoxynol #2 released 13:56
Finally Nonoxynol#2 "Needless Needles" - has seen the daylight! This issue contains 15 pictures from 6 designers.

 12. FEBRUARY 2004
 Papposoft launches Space Crap Zero 19:14
The Papposoft team launch a new C64 game, called "Space Crap Zero". It was programmed by Papposoft’s newest member, Piti. This game is not all that serious, but we all have had fun being involved with this crazy game project, and we do hope that you will enjoy playing it also. :o))
 New Angels Releases! 16:50
latest C64 release is Intoxication fix, and Dizzy Holding+2 cracked by Index.
Both can be found on their Angels homepage.
 Commodore show 21th February Holland 11:25
Our show at 21 February 2003 will be from 10:00 till 17:00. This is because we will have our membermeeting from 10:00 till 11:00. All our members can give their opinion and ideas about the things we will do and organize this year.

In the big hall we will have a lot of C= fans together with their computers. You can copy, buy and exchange a lot of things and we do repairs. In the other hall we will start at 12:00 o?clock with a photoshow with two projectors on a widescreen. There will be two programs: "The making of Iras" (about the Milkyway and the Orion) and / or "Kodak, professionals in perfection". Both programs will show a lot about airbrushing. This all will be under supervision of a Commodore 64 running a program called MIC 8 (Multi Image Control). This Commodore 64 will control two projectors and the music. Come and take a look at this unique demonstration. Look for more info at:
 Formula Too Simple by Resource 10:09

 11. FEBRUARY 2004
 Interview with Chris Abbott & audio reviews 12:36

 10. FEBRUARY 2004
 C64 Demo of the Year 18:46
For the first time, the C64 community has a chance to select a C64 Demo that is worthy for the ultimate recognition: Demo of the Year. Come up on and vote for the C64 Demo of the 2003 Year! Check out the voting chart at:

Todd Elliott
 Lost in Time bug fix 16:10
Lost in Time! from Covenant... Loader bug fixed by Hokuto Force! Thanx guys :D

Download it from CSDb.
 too(c)o(m)p(l)ex from Camelot 15:33
A new 256 Byte work, get it on or CSDb.
 CGTerm 1.6 13:15
CGTerm 1.6 has been released, with a bunch of new features:
  • 80 column mode
  • Fullscreen toggle for all platforms
  • Optimized screen save
  • File upload with Xmodem, Xmodem/CRC, and Xmodem-1k
  • Address book
  • Read/write to d64/d71/d81
  • File drop box
  • Sound toggle
  • Config file is created if none exists
  • Scrollback buffer
  • X-modem padding is stripped and added correctly
Included is also a new program called CGChat which allows you to chat in an irc-like client but in glorious PETSCII.

Download it from the CGTerm homepage:

 9. FEBRUARY 2004
 Extreme Demo Maker / Civitas 19:49
Hop ?cross our wares-garden to find the newly released Extreme Demo Maker, a rendition from the times when a picture, a handful of sprites and scroller still made a demo :-).

 8. FEBRUARY 2004
 CJ Transfer 128, version R1B 20:51
I hereby present version R1B of CJ Transfer 128. The main differences compared to version R1A are that the PRG file is now about 42 % smaller and the transfer time has decreased (20-25 % decrease when using a 1571 drive). The transfer times are despite of this still pretty high but I plan to use custom RS-232 routines and/or disk turbo to decrease this in the future. Any help with finding such routines is appreciated. You can find my e-mail address at the bottom of the page .

CJ Transfer 128 is a Commodore 128 program that transfers the contents of a floppy disk to a .d64, .d71 or .d81 archive file on another computer that is connected to the C128 via a User Port RS-232 adapter and a null-modem cable. Transfer in the opposite direction is also supported.

The main advantage with CJ Transfer 128 is that the computer connected to the C128 can be of any type (for example PC or Amiga) and with any operating system as long as it has a serial port and a terminal program supporting the Xmodem transfer protocol. For example, HyperTerminal in Windows can be used. Many other transfer programs that exist require a PC with the MS-DOS operating system to work correctly.

The address to the page I have put up for the program is:
 MazezaM ported to C64 17:31
I am proud to announce the C64 version of MazezaM, which was mostly based on the Apple 2 MazezaM. It?s available from my website

This game is now available for 7 different platforms, including Amiga and Oric. Download the game here.

This site appears to have died, it just routes to - could the poster please contact one of the editorial team or leave a note in Reactions? - T.M.R

Added download (from link. - CreaMD
 HVMEC 0.2 released 16:06
At it is released High Voltage Music Engine Collection version 0.2 with a 98 total number or C64 editor/tracker.
You can browse it online or download for offline browsing (note: CONTROL and DATA part will be upload in next days)
 Covenant released "LOST IN TIME!" 11:39
We are back again with another fine release by Covenant. Code was done by Honesty and the Gfx was done by JSL. Check it here.
 Arjuna 0.6Beta 02:24
After a long delay I finally released a beta version of Arjuna. It’s a modular, expandable solution to access floppy disks with the catweasel controller. One of the key features is G64 write support.
Get your copy at:

 7. FEBRUARY 2004
 Breakpoint 2004 Website launched 21:34
After tons of delays due to local (more or less political) problems regarding Breakpoint 2004 we are more than happy to finally being able to officially announce BREAKPOINT 2004 - THE CODE INSIDE. We will return to the Military Depot in Bingen/Germany and all the things you loved about BP03 will be there again - and much more. During the next 2 weeks more detailed information regarding new features will be published at our official website.
 Commodore Scene update 14:12
The final issue of Commodore Scene 2003 is out and will now no longer be available in printed format, so if you have CS2003, it is one of around 60 in the world!

Subscription rates for CS2004 start from ?18, ?37 or $44, or electronic version from ?11, ?24 or $27 (UK / EU / World). There might also be a distributor for the USA / Canada, which should bring down the price for those countries. The first issue of CS2004 will be a double issue. will have all of the relevant details.
Also find latest information on the C=VGA adaptor and the CS Doom 64 challenge.

 6. FEBRUARY 2004
 MW 1,2,3 fastloader 23:40
Metal Warrior 1,2,3 get Exomizer + improved fastloader (1541, 71, 81, FD, HD) treatment. Thanks again to Ninja & Doc Bacardi for drivecoding information.
 Tiger Disk #118 01:14
The January issue of the German language Tiger Disk (118) is now available here!

Download now and have fun!

 5. FEBRUARY 2004
 Commodore 64 ultimate site 18:51
My new web site:
On this address you may find over 6000 sorted games, 22050 sid musics, pictures, covers, and many many other stuff... Over 2 GB datas. All sorted, and there's the possibility switch to English...
 D64 Editor 0.026 released 09:00
I’ve just got E-mail from Forrest Mook about release of new version of his D64 Editor. Here is the address where you can download it: Except of the binary, you can also find source code. Utility also includes C64 fonts (.fon).
 GTW Update - Another game found! 02:18
Following on from the success of finding Solar Jetman and Deadlock, comes another long lost title in the form of the rejected Hewson game "TRAN" by Steve Collins. A great blaster from 1987, ported from its last known copy in existance.

Come along and check it out at Games That Weren?t

Also this update includes the rare Shellshock 2 SID mp3 title music, where the original SID music seems to be lost forever.

And also some other bits and pieces, including what seems to be a prototype (And much better) version of Soldier Of Light.

Enjoy!... and there is some more shocks to come! :)
 Geos 64, 128 soon available for free download 00:45
All those who are interested in GEOS and didn?t want to download illegal copy or pay for legal one, can soon download legitimate GEOS 64 and GEOS 128 v2.0 from for free. According to Maurice Randall there will also be price cuts on most of the software available through Click Here Software. For the current hardware and software pricelist check here.

 4. FEBRUARY 2004
 New version of 64?er Commander 23:43
After a looong time there?s a new preview of "64?er Commander" with version number 0.2a. New features are copying of files from one disk to another, export of multiple files (also whole disks) to PRG and much bug fixes. To get more details and download the latest version visit the commander page by clicking this link. (Text is cut?n?pasted from the original site.)

Thanx to for tip.
 TelBBS Support Forums 21:11
For the benefit for those who are working on TelBBS interfaces and BBS systems, PETSCII.COM has launched a TelBBS Q&A support forum. Several developers of TelBBS software and interfaces are on hand to render assistance.

We invite you to join the fun of 80’s style BBSing over the Internet.
 Game Over(view) Issue #2 16:36
We all hoped that it’d be the usual "release a single issue, then never again" diskmag, but despite being a complete pile of trash, issue #2 of gameover(view) has been released. Featuring shitty reviews of a depressingly small set of games, all of which are almost as shitty as the publication itself, and pissy rants from people too lazy to actual do something about the problem, all we can do is hope that they give up before next month!

 3. FEBRUARY 2004
 FunkScientist Productions release - "Monolith" 17:10
Today, FunkScientist Productions finally releases a small single part demo entitled: "Monolith". Please visit our site to download ( ), or use this direct link...
 Forum c64 related on my website 15:45
On my new website, you can also discuss about c64 releases and other stuff related to c64 in my forum. Some downloads and c64 news is coming soon. Sign in and give you?re opinion about things :)
 Retro Gamer to go bi-monthly 09:28
Such is the popularity of the English speaking magazine Retro Gamer that an immediate decision has been made to produce the magazine bi-monthly rather than quarterly. Subscriptions are now also been taken. has all of the details!

 2. FEBRUARY 2004
 ISO 9660 for CMD HD 23:03
A new ISO format with 512 byte / block!

I made a backup of a CMD HD (made with dd in Linux) and added a Windows compatible file system with 512 byte / block on a CD.
Now I have a CD for the CMD drive and the PC world.
 Nyaaah! 2003 released by Civitas 12:51
Ready for download at our games section the renewed seuck-shooter "Nyaaaah! 2003" by Richard/Civitas/TND has been recently provided.
 AP#31 RELEASED 12:14
Here it is! A complete issue of ArachnoPhobia. Please spread the votesheet! Place it everywhere you can.

The votesheet is included with the zip file.

We need the input!

Text Source: Arachnophobia New-Issue-Mailinglist

 1. FEBRUARY 2004
 Read "64" by Player One 20:11
Interesting News for all German Commodore fans: A novell called "64" is available since January. Take a look at the homepage of the author to learn more about it. And to anticipate it: it?s great reading, man!
 The Wave is back online 20:04
Since closing up my old personal website at, The Wave hasn’t been available for downloading. I have now put it on the website to make it available once again.

You can go to and if you click on the Wave image, you’ll go straight to the correct page. Or you can select "Software Info" in the table at the left and you’ll find a link to The Wave page.


Source: Commodore Homestead Mailinglist
 Turrican 3 News! 16:47
Andr? Buerger, boss of "Visual Imaginations" told us about the momentary progression.
I guess there is no reason to lose any more words about "Turrican", so let’s move on with the brandnew facts:

- Level 1-1, 1-2, 2-1 and 2-2 are almost done and playable
- And? spent some time on a new level packing system which should have made the work on the levels a lot easier
- A cut sequence (shooter world as bridge from von Level 2-2 to 3-1) is already done
- As next there will come up a credit intro since the old version did not have a highscore list
- Also working on the level boss of Level 2-2
- After that, Andr? will work on completing the first diskette side and the coding of the levels for world 3 (3 in summary).

Yet there are only ideas for word 4 & 5 also very uncertain is the releasedate. Yet sure is that - quoating Andr? - there will be a release this year.
By the way: Responsible for the tunes are - next to others - also dalezy, this time. "Turrican 3" from "Visual Imaginations" and "Turrican 3" from "Protovision" are two totally seperated projects.
The latter one has been ceased 1998 due to various reasons. All so far rustled up levels of Protovision’s are included to to the full version of "Hockey Mania".
So let’s be excited about the result and further news about this topic!

Source: GO64! News Flash
Translation by Nafcom/P.o.L./The Stock

 February 2004 - C64 Related News(4) 16:38
February 2004 - C64 Related NewsHave a nice february...
Studio Version of Rob Hubbard?s Thrust FEB 08 2004 16:50
A new game in the making FEB 12 2004 19:38
TOW seeks C64 coder/gfx artist for intro FEB 15 2004 15:27
CREST FEB 28 2004 13:05
Discussion: 163 reactions   |  Written by CreamD
 Digital Talk #64 is out! 10:38
You need 64kb RAM to read the Digital Talk 64. The very popular German diskmag is out now. You can find it at CSDb or directly at Write your texts and feedback for DT#65 before the end of February 2004. Thanx and have fun!


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