Abusers on C64 forums MAY 04 2002 19:03Shining8 - The Movie MAY 07 2002 22:15Download the new Remember wares... MAY 07 2002 15:23XeNTaX loses main man (Mr.Mouse quits composing) MAY 17 2002 23:13New member for Role! MAY 25 2002 19:57
[1] :
02. May 2002 17:23  
[2] :
04. May 2002 18:49  
GeoCities has closed your site down :(
[3] :
04. May 2002 22:06  
Richard: Well, not really. It just seems GeoCities dont want to have files on their webspace externally linked. Just go to the URL-line in your browser, press Enter, and the download-window will pop up :)
[4] :
05. May 2002 23:19  
Aargh! Too many C64 forums already! Must...resist...must concentrate on C64 development :)
[5] :
06. May 2002 14:52  
Lasse: Holy words! Keep not posting :)
[6] :
06. May 2002 17:12  
Dont miss Bomb Chase coming to a C64 near you.
[7] :
06. May 2002 21:57  
Lasse: well, atleast you seem not be infected by the IRC-Virus what is good....
[8] :
07. May 2002 01:10  
[9] :
07. May 2002 23:28  
Wwooow! METAL WARRIOR 4 - looks very promising! Cool project, great work, keep it up man!!!
[10] :
08. May 2002 17:41  
Watch out for Everyman
[11] :
08. May 2002 19:17  
MW4? Looks like another of those sequels. Probably better than ever though ;)
[12] :
08. May 2002 19:42  
I hope so :) The good thing about these MW games is, that theyve been finished so far. Its like the opposite of the Turrican curse :)
[13] :
08. May 2002 20:48  
Im pretty sure it will rock! (Or hard-rock? ;-)
[14] :
09. May 2002 19:14  
Yeah, we can count on Lasse and his hard work. Keep it up dude ;)
[15] :
09. May 2002 22:54  
I dont have anything against Shining 8, but that news about your movie is quite old and and not even a c64 production. How about starting to work on something new instead of announcing things which were already announced. I know I might sound fanatic, but as it was already stated many times, this site preffers active C64 people and real C64 productions.
[16] :
12. May 2002 11:01  
Sorry for the mess caused by one of the news. I was in Bratislava yesterday watching IIHF World Championship in Sweden on big-screen with around 20000-30000 other people (according to first estimates in press ;). It was fantastic finale. And Slovakia won 4:3 over Russia. We are the ruling Champions for the following year. Oh yeah. Gotta wait for our teams arrival! Have a nice rest of weekend. ;-)
[17] :
12. May 2002 21:27  
Richard, open, fighting provokes more fighting. Your (although in my opinion positive and valuable effort) can provoke some silly people to fuxxor even more ;-). I would rather not see scene splitted to fuxxorists and nonfuxxorists, there are more important things to deal with than fuxxor vs nonfuxor fan(atic)s war.
[18] :
12. May 2002 21:35  
Okay, in that case. Ill continue with my work on TND game projects, Civitas stuff and my musical talent. Ill remove the FAF site and you can remove TND War Against Fuxx0rs ;)
[19] :
12. May 2002 22:18  
....sorry, it looks as if I was using the wrong attitude. No, what I was meant to say is Please could you remove my news about War against Emu Fuxx0ring.
[20] :
12. May 2002 22:24  
I didnt plan to remove it, I was just saying my opinion, but as you wish, I will remove the news.
[21] :
12. May 2002 22:26  
Please dont delete the unfuxxored version of the collection, I think its still worth a release.
[22] :
12. May 2002 22:32  
Fear not. Ive uploaded it on to the FTPs this morning ;)
[23] :
12. May 2002 22:37  
[24] :
14. May 2002 14:02  
Which ftps are you talking about? Its not on ftp.padua.org/pub/c64/incoming :(((
[25] :
14. May 2002 17:41  
Wasnt the mainframe stuff online before already?
[26] :
14. May 2002 18:35  
Yes I have the same feeling ;-).
[27] :
14. May 2002 18:41  
[28] :
14. May 2002 18:52  
anonym: I had problems uploading the Unfuxx0red version of the J.Kimmel music collection on to Padua FTP. You can download the colly from the May news page on C64.SK
[29] :
15. May 2002 04:10  
Richard: Thanks I will try to u/l it asap.
[30] :
15. May 2002 12:08  
anonym, the mainframe stuff was online before because puterman copied all the c64 entries and put them online himself. this time it is the partyorganizers who put the stuff online after a few weeks.
[31] :
16. May 2002 13:40  
Taking it to the next level...
[32] :
17. May 2002 20:00  
Taking it into 47*47!
[33] :
17. May 2002 20:22  
This are most serious dicusson ever on C-64 net!
[34] :
18. May 2002 12:28  
Bah, I?m pretty impatient.. couldn?t wait until evening... sorry...
[35] :
26. May 2002 18:33  
DaFunked is mega cool. Great stuff.
[36] :
28. May 2002 03:17  
Hmmm the link for the willowpart in the news they posted seems to be wrong - it shows as www.willowparty.command .
[37] :
28. May 2002 06:06  
Thanx. Corrected.
[38] :
28. May 2002 18:02  
Factor, good luck in ROLE, And hey, send over some of your new sid tunes ;-))))