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Sadism II – review

Review written by CreaMD

Sadism II - second collection of musics composed by an excellent and most productive Czech musician of today – Sad, who recently left Anubis. It was released in May-April 2001 and it seems I've completely forgot to review/release it, so here you are. Get it HERE!

A little bit offtopic is my reaction on the intro which contains a wired/converted IFLI picture of a naked girl in front of a computer. All I think about it is that it was toatally unnecessary. The rest of the outfit is okay and designed in a suffeciently good quality for a collection.

It's quite a large collection, so this time the comments would be even shorter. My overall impression of the collection is highly subjective, so if you have other opinion, react in the reactions. Sad's music is in style similar to productions of PVCF, or some of the tunes of hungarian composer – Flash. Thick and full use of sidchannels, neverstopping fast rythm, sometimes lack of dynamicity in sounds (like we can hear in 4 speed, and more tunes). The tunes actually don't leave you much time to take a breath.

In medias res…

Introzak 0 : no idea, just introzak. 2/10

Introzak 1 : same as first one. fast tune, nothing extra 2/10

Introzak 2 : detto. 2/10

Wish Me Death : bassy, like PVCV-fish sounds, lacking dynamicity, in 3:00 it has an interesting hardcore part. 3/10

Depressy : Listening to this tune I recalled my first tries in the composing, but this one is more complex than mine I'm quite sure. To me, the majority of Sad's compositions are like many of Bach's compositions – fast tempo and chordial insanity. 3/10

Zero : One of the better tunes in this collection. It actually has a story! 5/10

Deadly deep : Interesting beginning, nice sounds, but the rest of the tune gradually develops to a standard „Sadism II“ entry. Ending part is same as the beginning which IMHO is quite nice. 4/10

Beauty : Simple and cool, as I like it. Still the support is typically Sad's. 6W/10

Naught : Standard. 3/10

Smile : A nice, simple and happy melody. 5/10

Zoundz : Another of the better tunes. 5/10

Longing : Nothing extra 3/10

Kiss : Another, nice, simple and happy tune. 6/10

Xterminate : Listenable, but nothing extra 4/10

Spectator : Yeah! This one is cool, although it still somehow lack crispness and dynamicity. It resembles Orcan's style. Nice! 6.5/10

CR Anthem : Cover of the Czech anthem. The fast part is not that good, but still this tune is ok. 6/10

Happy : Happy. 5.5/10

For Veronika : I don't know what to say. 4/10

Kill him !!! : Excellent beginning, the rest of a quite long tune is too repetitive. Still, I agree with author, the emotions such like desire for the vengeance are quite painful and mercilessly intrusive. Read the note for more details about this tune. 3.5/10

Hell : Boring. 2/10

Stay : Quite a good one. 5/10

For Drake 2 : A happy hardcore 5/10

For Drake 3 : Another happy hardcore 5/10

Sweet ricky :Mhm, sweet but that's all 4.5/10

She : Yes, SHE! – She simply drive us musicians crazy, she – the woman we musicians usually fell desperately in love with! 5/10

Look around : This tune is good! 5.5/10

Partyzak : 3/10

I'm Back : Another of the better tunes 4.5/10

Wrong life : The last reviewed tune. 4.5/10

I must confess that it's was not my cup of tea, so the judgements are a little bit biased down maybe, but still there are couple of songs I liked. I put my hat off as Sad's reasons and driving forces for composing revealed in the note to the collection are a really an iteresting reading. This guy lives with music and music lives in him. Thumbs up!

Explanation of Creamd's very subjective evaluating system. Less than 2.9 is probably not my cup of tea or a really badly composed piece. Under 4.9 but more than 2.9 I've checked but don't feel the urge to check that again to be sure. Everything over 4,9 points is worth listening. Everything between 5 to 6.9 points I like pretty much, everything from 7 to 9 is bombastic and definitely reccomended to play on a BIG sound equipment, over 9 it is simply gonna make you sweat ;-). And by the way, more comments I write, more inspirative tune it is, but remember it is not a rule.


0.0 – 2.9 – read text for reasons, this tune must be a speciall cathegory,
3.0 – 4.9 – might be okay, but I don't need to listen to this tune again,
5.0 – 6.9 – I like this pretty much,
7.0 – 8.9 – bombastic for various reasons,
9.0 – 9.9 – gona make you sweat.


This article has been displayed for 968 times, since publishing.
Discussion: 5 reactions


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