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 April Beta News (14)    
April Rumours, Gossips and <i>B</i> StuffCommodore Fans against War! APR 02 2003 10:46
Commodore Fans against War! APR 02 2003 11:44
swh APR 02 2003 19:51
Official Theme for BIT Live Germany APR 08 2003 20:39
Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games mag APR 12 2003 06:27
Level 64 page updated APR 12 2003 10:56
"NEW" C64 Game APR 13 2003 13:56
SID Composers paid ?20,000 since 1998 by APR 13 2003 18:03
Big SID update at Kohina APR 13 2003 18:15
HardSID News APR 15 2003 18:55
Domination #18 APR 21 2003 16:08
Plus/4 News APR 23 2003 21:58
New ANUBIS redirect APR 27 2003 15:02
New SID musics from Louie/Faces and Monk APR 29 2003 12:55

[1] : 01. Apr 2003 08:31   
CreaMD: Ingenious :) I love it!!!
Professor Ugha SID

[2] : 01. Apr 2003 10:01   
Thanx. Unfortunatelly. It only works in IE, so many people won’t notice it ;-)

[3] : 01. Apr 2003 15:19   
:) upside down...was really a nice surprise in the morning...especially when there is not much activity in the scene these days. is everyone holding releases for breakpoint or what... not many news in and csdb... the much awaited latest releases feature in csdb is not much use when people don’t release anything :)

[4] : 01. Apr 2003 15:55   
i got some big news but i can’t tell.. but nobody would give a shit anyhoot :)

[5] : 01. Apr 2003 19:37   
You’re pregnant, aren’t you fade...? =-)

[6] : 01. Apr 2003 22:13   
LOL! Fine gossips for the next page of SCENEthetic... I wonder who’s the father?

[7] : 02. Apr 2003 11:42   
"Commodore Fans against War!" - moved to beta-news. (I’m against war in IRAQ)

[8] : 02. Apr 2003 12:26   
I’m agains war in IRAQ but is about C64 scene not politics. strictly focus on support of active and creative sceners.

[9] : 02. Apr 2003 15:54   
your all invited to join me on jerry springer to find out who the father is.. and at least i know i am safe against the pixel manipulations of jailbird, nobody loves, knows or cares about us on the arse end of the world, unless your tasmanian, which says it all really.. how many toes am i holding up? :)
barefoot and fading preggers!

[10] : 02. Apr 2003 16:14   
i think i’ve already got a booking for Springer... =-)

[11] : 02. Apr 2003 20:10   
Fixed the link to the auction from swh and moved it to the Beta-News.

[12] : 02. Apr 2003 21:02   
I’m agains war in IRAQ but is about C64 scene not politics. strictly focus on support of active and creative sceners.



[13] : 03. Apr 2003 22:45   
Triad are against the war and the american instituted oppression of the Iraqi people. 100%. And we think politics and The Scene mix just fine. And hey - we even think one should put an embargo/sanctions on US and Israeli sceners aswell. Or not. Let uninteresting info about an 16-bit enhancement to the C-64 always get in focus and move the important issues to the Beta. Great stuff. Just as it should have been done outside our personal microcosmos better known as The Scene. Please awake, gentlemen.

[14] : 04. Apr 2003 00:11   
Twoflower, as I have said I’m agains war in IRAQ, but strictly focus on support of active and creative sceners. That means if you make a demo about war in IRAQ I would leave it in the news and I would for sure watch it on C64. As far uninteresting info about 16 bit enhancement of C64 always getting in focus is concerned I don’t know what are you talking about. Banning people for their beliefs is not good idea. The politics and the scene mixing well together is completely different thing than banner agains war in IRAQ even when it is made by a C64 user (scener).

[15] : 04. Apr 2003 00:12   

[16] : 04. Apr 2003 00:14   
Aha that cross-development tool? But that program is useful for creative and active C64-ers.

[17] : 04. Apr 2003 09:42   
Ok, you moved that war-banner article to the beta. But I’m pretty sure your site will not lost focus by showing the banner for a couple of days! Come on!

[18] : 04. Apr 2003 14:05   
Personally, i’m off to flood all the political sites with C64 stuff...

[19] : 05. Apr 2003 08:50   
Chris, I won’t do that. Once I did write political reaction on war (After Oscars) here and it ended in a flaming argue between me and my groupmate. If I ever wished to have flaming debate on this site, it should be a debate about C64, scene, art and such things. TMR, yeah it could be quite efficient way of C64 advertising.

[20] : 05. Apr 2003 11:51   
i’ve always found these "X against the Y" campaigns to be faintly ridiculous; nobody used to give a stuff about women against the bomb or west country sheep farmers against the M25 widening plan (i only made one of those two up...) and making the resistance to something seem like a small pocket draws the wrong kind of attention. i’m sure the powers that be didn’t exactly quake in their boots when (or more likely if) they found out that a small minority of an already finite scene had a problem with what they were doing.

There are far better places than here to make yourself heard on the war where the weight of what you’re saying will be far greater and it will have the support of a large number of others; without that support it lessens the overall cause and leaves people open to ridicule deserved or otherwise. Wars are strategic things and even a war of words needs to be fought on the correct battleground.

[21] : 05. Apr 2003 21:45   
Here’s a screenshot of a new C64 game

You wont be able to download this game yet, as I’ll be releasing it on a magazine cover disk. (Commodore Scene). However, if you want the game, just send me an email.

[22] : 06. Apr 2003 00:33   
Heavy Dice Deluxe?

[23] : 06. Apr 2003 03:17   
Changed the Download-Link for Attitude #5 to our partner-FTP-site Goin’ 4 Gold - should work most reliable.

[24] : 06. Apr 2003 08:43   
Dice over Bagdad?

[25] : 06. Apr 2003 10:59   
At least the war won’t affect the C64 in that context, we never did get the original Desert Strike so whatever EA come up with for this one we’ll miss that too!

[26] : 06. Apr 2003 14:09   
Changed my mind again :)

[27] : 06. Apr 2003 14:23   
it’s still coming out with the mag or you coding something different for it?

[28] : 06. Apr 2003 14:33   
Still coming out with the mag, but it has cart protection decruncher. A real challenge for crackers alike :P

[29] : 07. Apr 2003 01:10   
you think? hey next time do a highscore saver.. fun fun fun

[30] : 07. Apr 2003 12:55   
"When you play this game, please remove all C64 cartridges, as this game has got a cartridge/intro-linker protection decruncher" - so, well done :), you managed to complicate life of legitimate users but not significantly deter crackers (already firstreleased by Urine)

[31] : 07. Apr 2003 14:42   
Exactly... ;-(

[32] : 07. Apr 2003 18:08   
Damn, Cruel Cruncher V2.0 suxx :)

[33] : 08. Apr 2003 01:27   
a good craftsman never blames his tools

[34] : 09. Apr 2003 08:01   
there is a german saying: if the farmer can’t swim it’s because of his swimsuit (wenn der bauer nicht schwimmen kann liegt’s an der badehose) (:

[35] : 09. Apr 2003 08:15   
i saw that episode of hogan’s heroes too :)

[36] : 09. Apr 2003 14:04   
I never saw that series, but I did see the movie about the actor playing Hogan called Auto-Focus.
Interesting, no?

[37] : 09. Apr 2003 14:49   
nothing like a sex freak to make for a fun film :)

[38] : 12. Apr 2003 01:39   
Added the URL of Primary Star 2003 to the partyscope.

[39] : 13. Apr 2003 19:17   
The .rar archive in Mombasajoe’s game is corrupt!

[40] : 13. Apr 2003 20:40   
The RAR works fine here, i beleive you may need to update your WinRar mister anonymous. =-)

[41] : 13. Apr 2003 22:51   
"Official Theme for BIT Live Germany", "Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games mag", "Level 64 page updated", ""NEW" C64 Game", "SID Composers paid ?20,000 since 1998 by" moved to beta news.

[42] : 14. Apr 2003 10:40   
CreaMD, I was wondering, if there was an anonymous music compo at Forever, why wasn’t the graphics compo anonymous as well?

[43] : 14. Apr 2003 11:31   
;-)))) Well, it could be done. If people provided images in two versions. Signed and unsigned, but anyway don’t worry the results wouldn’t change very radically if at all...

[44] : 14. Apr 2003 11:54   
Ah, really? At FQ the SID compo was anonymous? Didn’t got it before... :O

[45] : 14. Apr 2003 12:22   
The screen was blank (only Party logo was projected) We said name of the song and that was all. Nobody except mne, knew the authors of the song and the order of them. I think many people had fun guessing who is who ;-)

[46] : 14. Apr 2003 15:41   
Well, as far as I’m awared, only North Party has "unsigned pictures" in its compo-rules. Probably to avoid name-voting? Nice idea indeed.

[47] : 14. Apr 2003 16:36   
jb: wonder if we could have that for demos compo aswell.... make a special version with no logos.... :=D

[48] : 14. Apr 2003 17:56   
I saw many GFXcompos asking for working stages of the picture... Is this a common procedure, or is a feature that sometimes can be requested?

[49] : 14. Apr 2003 18:35   
GPZ... "pretty pretty please make a demo" is only request I personally have for potential demo compo contributors ;-)

[50] : 16. Apr 2003 08:45   
As SID+samples are allowed in the Forever compo, I wonder whose entry next year will start with a sample: "Aaaai eeeem [nickname] eeeend diiiz iiiz maaai roooolin’ sonk." -=#>;8D

[51] : 16. Apr 2003 10:24   
Big Sid update at Kohina and HardSid news have been moved to beta news by Maccie.

[52] : 16. Apr 2003 20:22   
Wotnau: sounds like a great idea :o) CreaMD: "bring a lot of beer" is only request i personally have for potential breakpoint visitors :o)

[53] : 16. Apr 2003 23:05   
As far as I have seen from last Mekka, there won’t be problem with beer.

[54] : 18. Apr 2003 22:50   
Macho Programming... Who the fuck needs Breakpoint anyway? :-)

[55] : 19. Apr 2003 00:17   
Puterman - I concur.

[56] : 19. Apr 2003 12:31   
Triad - I enjoyed your demo! Very oldskool I like that new notewriter, but could do with a built-in packer to squeeze down the size. I had to use the BYG compactor+ to squeeze down the note, so it would run at BASIC start. I have my music collys to sort out now.

[57] : 20. Apr 2003 09:57   
Latest breakpoint info: (Thanx to Tomaes)

creammdma, here comes the list for demos ntries in C64 Demo Competition
Big Screen /
Voting Number
Vision 2003 Invitation
Abyss Connection & Metalvotze
Coop Demo
Beertime 3

and for 4ks:
Big Screen /
Voting Number
boozers loev rain
3 Headed Monkey
Prof.PI? & Brainstorm
Zed Yago / K2
Voyage sans Fin
Viscid / Neoplasia
Krill/Plush & Fanta/Plush
Aeg/Smash Designs & Axis/Oxyron
The impossible Thing

[58] : 21. Apr 2003 14:57   
dont be a sucker, get the demos motherf**ker.. WVL 0wns

[59] : 21. Apr 2003 15:32   
I uploaded Deev’s and my pictures to

[60] : 22. Apr 2003 04:22   
AP #28 :

[61] : 22. Apr 2003 10:58   
here’s a gfx collection from antoman/tide.. it is not 100% as the disk was errored and two pics didnt survive the fixing process.. it can be found at .. you can either bug stryyker in a few days for the 100% vers or annoy me until tomz sends it again..

[62] : 22. Apr 2003 11:11   
Are the bp graphics uploaded somewhere? I mean, all of them?

[63] : 22. Apr 2003 11:56   
Edited a couple of news-items yesterday night. Just fixed the download-link to the Breakpoint C64 Musics and added the C-One Release Party to the partyscope.

People, please post NEWS (such as completely new releases or Download-Links for previously unavailable releases) to the NEWS! ;-) Thanks.

[64] : 22. Apr 2003 18:26   
If anyone of you by any chance links to or please change to as since month or two (or who knows when) the redizajn domain expires. It’s because domains in Slovakia aren’t for free anymore and I don’t want to pay twice for the same domain.

[65] : 22. Apr 2003 18:38   
The Breakpoint C64 musics are now available from Goin’ 4 Gold - changed the Download-Link to there.

[66] : 22. Apr 2003 19:03   
I will spend some time in CSDB to update all my releases to the correct URL. I started this today, but there’s still loads to be done, but hopefully by the end of this week all will be 100% updated.

[67] : 23. Apr 2003 01:17   
so cool! you rule!

[68] : 23. Apr 2003 11:56   
I upladed a new Scenethetic design, don’t be afraid to check it out after you click on the link here

[69] : 23. Apr 2003 14:22   
Neat design!

[70] : 23. Apr 2003 14:52   
Very cool design! :)

[71] : 23. Apr 2003 15:49   
Fixed the link for the Breakpoint 2003 4k Sourcecode by Viscid / Neoplasia (2000 should be 2003 ofcourse ;-) ).

[72] : 23. Apr 2003 19:45   
Ha, ha. Funny comic :) Gotta read this more often :P

[73] : 23. Apr 2003 19:57   
Can i just state for the record that i look *nothing* like that... well, my hair is longer anyway [ahem] Any chance of a maids uniform in the next episode JB, that’s a little more in keeping... =-)

[74] : 23. Apr 2003 22:44   
and collars ofcourse :o)

[75] : 23. Apr 2003 23:10   
Just the one... =-)

[76] : 24. Apr 2003 00:02   
Seems like I should add 18+ disclaimer on this page.

[77] : 24. Apr 2003 00:10   
Changed the link for Murphy’s World Party 2003 back to - the entire site was offline for some weeks and is back since a few days now.

[78] : 24. Apr 2003 00:14   
Thanx to Se7en for noticing me about small quote bug-feature in CSDB forums displayer.

[79] : 24. Apr 2003 01:57   
Updated "Latest Downloads" and added Commodore Show to the partyscope.

[80] : 24. Apr 2003 11:48   
The date for the next Commodore Show changed: it’s now one week later (28th June) - fixed that in the partyscope.

[81] : 25. Apr 2003 22:06   
Moved the Plus/4 News to the Betas.

[82] : 27. Apr 2003 15:54   
question: is commodore wire page alive. in the last four months i’ve been around i have never seen it updated. in fact the latest news added there seems to be added in january 2002. is there a secret link some where in the page :) or is it simply dead. if so you mit want to remove the little banner on the right side for it is a dead link...

[83] : 28. Apr 2003 02:23   
wideload has been around a few times on irc and plans to redo the site, word also hopped around that someone else would take it over from him, but i dunno.. wait and see? :)

[84] : 28. Apr 2003 02:44   
Commodore Wire is not alive, but we have re-coded the site, however we do not really want to maintain it ourselves.

[85] : 28. Apr 2003 17:01   
By the way, with regards to your Vision Party feature: It’s not "On VISION, you can:" it’s "at Vision" as far as I know ;-)

[86] : 28. Apr 2003 19:15   
@ anonym: thanks, corrected ;-)

Just moved "New ANUBIS redirect" to the Beta-News. Furthermore, a couple of deadlinks in older news-items were fixed over the weekend.

[87] : 28. Apr 2003 19:34   
That wasn’t one i proofread was it...?

[88] : 28. Apr 2003 20:04   
@ TMR: no! ;-)

[89] : 29. Apr 2003 13:53   
Moved "New SID musics from Louie/Faces and Monk" to the Betas (actually not SID but mp3).

[90] : 30. Apr 2003 13:55   
Fixed the link on the Avengers news item (ooh, another UK-based group...! =-)

[91] : 30. Apr 2003 14:24   
"another"? you mean there was one previously ;)

[92] : 30. Apr 2003 14:47   
So i’ve heard, although i couldn’t name any names right now...


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