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September Rumours, Gossips and <i>B</i> Stuff

4ever03 party! Plus/4 scene screams! SEP 02 2003 03:34 temporarily down SEP 01 2003 10:08
News from XeNTaX HQ SEP 23 2003 12:25
Boondocks - new forum for Ascii & Scene SEP 26 2003 11:38
New Ideology Release SEP 26 2003 11:40

[1] : 01. Sep 2003 12:34   
Most people think I suck, but can this be really true, considered that I’m the first one in September to post here? ;-)))

[2] : 01. Sep 2003 13:16   
The first one to post in September always sucks pretty badly.

[3] : 01. Sep 2003 19:55   
As does the second on .. third time’s the charmer though.

[4] : 01. Sep 2003 21:12   
Added Willow Party 2003 to the partyscope. The homepage should be online soon.

[5] : 01. Sep 2003 22:26   
Ah MacGyver, do you think you can really impress us by being the no. 4 poster? ;-)

[6] : 01. Sep 2003 22:41   
@ Steppe: I always impress - in one way or the other ;-)

[7] : 01. Sep 2003 22:58   
very interesting discussion... near top elite. btw ist up now!
heimo pfeiffenberger

[8] : 01. Sep 2003 23:09   
Thanks for setting up the page, Sebastian!

[9] : 02. Sep 2003 12:14   
Steppe, how about impressing us by updating DemoDungeon with another bunch of Demos? ;-)

[10] : 02. Sep 2003 14:41   
Hehe, just got that nice little list from you, thanks! I already had a few of those demos in mind, we’ll see if I find some time to do an update.

[11] : 03. Sep 2003 11:16   
"4ever03 party! Plus/4 scene screams!" moved to the Beta News.

[12] : 03. Sep 2003 12:04   
Add Function 03 (multiplatform) to the partyscope too.
Veszpr?mv?s?rhely, Hungary (near to Slovakia)
October 26-28

[13] : 03. Sep 2003 12:06
Only on Hunagrian atm.
me again

[14] : 03. Sep 2003 15:29   
Mac: CreaMD and i had already decided to leave that Plus/4 piece as alpha news... =-)

[15] : 03. Sep 2003 16:15   
I should have known.. For next time offtopic news for VIC20 or C16/+4 and C128, could be, maybe, allowed for the sake of solidarity? What do you think?

[16] : 03. Sep 2003 16:49   
agreed. fine idea to support other c= 8bit machines.

[17] : 03. Sep 2003 19:24   
TMR/CreaMD: Well, you didn’t tell me, so how could I know?

[18] : 03. Sep 2003 19:47   
You’re supposed to have psychic powers - didn’t they arrive yet?!

[19] : 03. Sep 2003 21:32   

[20] : 04. Sep 2003 06:43   
Look TMR, it’s AMJ’s birtday. Any special ideas to celebrate the very moment?

[21] : 04. Sep 2003 08:40   
Nothing we could put on a family site jb... =-)

[22] : 04. Sep 2003 15:16   
TMR, you pervert, you can’t do that with a donkey!

[23] : 04. Sep 2003 17:14   
Yes you can, you just don’t tell the donkey what you’re planning - easy!

[24] : 04. Sep 2003 17:51   
I didn’t say "to a donkey", I said "with a donkey". It doesn’t fit!

[25] : 04. Sep 2003 23:24   
i’ve never had any trouble, as long as you get it to kneel down before it realises what’s going on (hide the tub of peanut butter behind your back!) Oh, and i found the perfect gift for AMJ and delivered it on IRC earlier - he’ll be walking a bit funny for a few days, though... =-)

[26] : 05. Sep 2003 00:59   
so you got him either the christopher reeve dancing video or some clown shoes?

[27] : 05. Sep 2003 21:19   
Blimey, I had quite a bunch of releases for the C64 today. :) A SEUCK, a music demo, another music demo, and Space Crap Fortress firstrelease :)

[28] : 05. Sep 2003 22:13   
Only one release worth getting today, SIDBurners 7... =-)

[29] : 06. Sep 2003 12:27   
Washout preview, coming soon...

[30] : 06. Sep 2003 13:46   
That sounds like a threat to me...

[31] : 06. Sep 2003 14:12   
Sidburners rul0rz! Jeff’s tune mighty good?e!

[32] : 06. Sep 2003 16:54   
What i still want to know is, will Washout actually build bitmaps or is it going to multiload screens from disk...?

[33] : 06. Sep 2003 18:33   
Oh TMR, won?t you link my new shoot’em up game?
My friends all code demos, I must make amends.
Coded hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So TMR, won?t you link my new shoot’em’up game ?

Oh TMR, won?t you buy me a color TV?
My colorfades look like crap cuz’ of the black and white screen.
I wait for reactions on each day until three,
So oh TMR, won?t you buy me a color TV ?

Oh TMR, won?t you buy me a night on the town ?
I?m counting on you, TMR, please don?t let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh TMR, won?t you buy me a night on the town ?

Oh TMR, won?t you link my new shoot’em up game?
My friends all code demos, I must make amends,
Coded hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh TMR, won?t you link my new shoot’em up game?

[34] : 06. Sep 2003 21:09   
Will somebody actually sing this and make an mp3 out of it? :)

[35] : 06. Sep 2003 22:45   
i would, but i’d get beaten up ’cos i can’t sing for toffee!! Side note; just released a Plus/4 demo (16K so it runs on the C16 too) by me and 4-Mat on the Cosine website -

[36] : 07. Sep 2003 13:32   
Jazzcat: I dunno why you don’t react to my bug report on the mags archive: "The Public" is NOT the same as "Public"! Those are two different mags (opne disk, one paper with cover disk). You mixed them up.

[37] : 07. Sep 2003 13:44   
MorGor, I don’t think this is the right place to post this. I already separated the screenshots of the two different mags and sent them to Jazzcat. Guess all it needs is uploading them. Please be patient, ok?

[38] : 07. Sep 2003 15:32   
What i still want to know is, will Washout actually build bitmaps or is it going to multiload screens from disk...?

It will use multiload, just like J&F publishing’s game called ’Blocks’. So be happy :)


[39] : 07. Sep 2003 20:33   
Um nope, i’ll keep on thinking it sucks for doing that just like Blocks does...

[40] : 07. Sep 2003 21:21   
tmr, just make a onefiled version of it, shouldnt take too many minutes

[41] : 07. Sep 2003 22:17   
speaking about real games, mw4 rocks da houze in, mates.

[42] : 07. Sep 2003 22:45   
hollow: if it ain’t worth his effort, is it worth mine...? =-)

[43] : 08. Sep 2003 11:18   
To, Slator: MW4, yeah I hooked-on immediately.

[44] : 08. Sep 2003 12:18   
MW4 roxx0rs my world, amazing!

[45] : 08. Sep 2003 13:42   
Yup, nice to see a nice game out. Both thumbs and all toes up!

[46] : 08. Sep 2003 14:35   
MW4 is fucking amazing. i have to admit that i don’t play games as much as i want to, but mw4 really took my attention. thanks cadaver. =)

[47] : 08. Sep 2003 18:17   
Hi! Does anyone know an alternative e-mail address to Mihai, because his is not working (it bounces back my messages). If you know it, mail me ( Many thanks in advance! /Cactus

[48] : 08. Sep 2003 21:09   
Cactus: :)

[49] : 08. Sep 2003 21:52   
MW4 is very addictive

[50] : 08. Sep 2003 21:52   
Mihai, please send me you Civitas intro, when done :) I love to see what you learned from me :)

[51] : 09. Sep 2003 12:27   
Thumbs up to Cadaver and the Gamebase 64 staff!

[52] : 09. Sep 2003 13:19   
mac, did you finally manage to get that ident-thing done? =)

[53] : 10. Sep 2003 02:03   
dalezy: Yeah =) Or in other words, I reminded my "system administrator" to take care of it.

[54] : 10. Sep 2003 10:44   
Moved " temporarily down" to the Beta-News as it’s back now :)

[55] : 10. Sep 2003 23:31   
Crackers will have a bit of problem just info-linking MW4 as this game uses a intro-link protection.

[56] : 11. Sep 2003 00:19   
Well, just not to be deceiving, of course it shouldn’t present any problem to a *real* cracker..

[57] : 11. Sep 2003 00:46   
Is there something to "crack" anyway? I mean, there’s no copy protection... %-)

[58] : 11. Sep 2003 05:26   
Ofcourse it’s worth cracking, if for example you are a lame player and you just want to see that end sequence :)

[59] : 11. Sep 2003 07:43   
But where is the end sequence :) (the game runs in a single mainloop all the time, even in titlescreen)

[60] : 11. Sep 2003 08:54   
OK, so here I go again. Pretty please, add "Function 03" to the partyscope. In Veszpr?mvars?ny/Hungary, quite close to Slovakia.

[61] : 11. Sep 2003 10:30   
Added. Thanx for info, Vincenzo.

[62] : 11. Sep 2003 11:11   

[63] : 11. Sep 2003 11:17   
Well, that happens when ppl don’t state their name ;-)

[64] : 11. Sep 2003 12:14   
we have joy we have fun, we get excess version and we run....

[65] : 11. Sep 2003 12:16   
Well, thanx for info JB.

[66] : 11. Sep 2003 17:57   
Hey ma’honey! That demo roxxorz my day! Thumbs up! I haven’t seen something so easily acessible by general public (unware of presence of C64) in a quite long time. Repsect!

[67] : 11. Sep 2003 18:29   
Great demo, Mahoney! Superb use of sprite routines.

[68] : 11. Sep 2003 22:19   
YO! BWB Team wins crack of Metal Warrior 4. We release 101% version. And we are now dead group!
B.W.B Team (Richard)

[69] : 11. Sep 2003 22:53   
Richard. PLEASE!

[70] : 11. Sep 2003 23:17   
wait for Quorthon to show how cracking has to be done

[71] : 12. Sep 2003 00:31   
fade shows you how to crack beer bottle on head :)
ala champion rude bwoy

[72] : 12. Sep 2003 13:05   
When will people learn that GeoCities sucks? ;-)

[73] : 12. Sep 2003 13:48   
Added Mainframe 2003, tUM 2003 and Out of Orderia 2003 to the partyscope.

[74] : 13. Sep 2003 11:10   
hm, is TDD down ???

[75] : 13. Sep 2003 11:56   
Well, works for me...

[76] : 13. Sep 2003 15:49   
Correct link:

Updated Washout Preview with some improvements. Sorry for error in previous post.

[77] : 15. Sep 2003 15:09   
Deleted last 2 messages. One Fake-Richard post from swedish scener and answer by myself. Spare me of this kind of humour, please.

[78] : 15. Sep 2003 18:48   
From the IDE64 news: "makes Newcomer playable from CD" Does this mean there exists a "fixed for non-1541 devices" version of Newcomer (didn’t find at least on the IDE64 Warez page), or did I misinterpret in some way?

[79] : 15. Sep 2003 19:39   
Crackers will no longer have any hassle from me, if any of my work been cracked by any label. I’ve learned my lesson!

[80] : 15. Sep 2003 22:33   
There exists an IDE64 fixed version of Newcomer revision 0. But I agreed with the creators not to release it until they finish revision 3. So the next official Newcomer release will include the IDE64 version, and maybe a NTSC fixed 1541 version too. This version is currently heavily tested because we suspect that the end part won’t load, but haven’t reached that far yet ;)

[81] : 16. Sep 2003 00:05   
hope i`ll remember my account to download it then (:

[82] : 16. Sep 2003 22:40   

[83] : 18. Sep 2003 00:26   
Added fYaNICA #10 to the partyscope.

[84] : 21. Sep 2003 21:15   
Added Dekadence Dataparty 2003 to the partyscope.

[85] : 22. Sep 2003 11:06   
Great work with the WiNGS utility, Greg! Thumbs up for the that!

[86] : 22. Sep 2003 11:52   
Cool Greg. Can you also read news with it?

[87] : 22. Sep 2003 21:01   
Not yet, I guess :) but you can browse with Wings from a telnet connection using links (lynx) browsers

[88] : 23. Sep 2003 14:35   
Nice news from Xentax, congrats to you guys! ;-). However, it will have to be moved into beta-news later in the evening, I hope you don’t mind. Dr. Mouse ;-))

[89] : 23. Sep 2003 22:47   
kill geos users now!

[90] : 24. Sep 2003 00:23   
there is so much anger in you Fade, paint something :)

[91] : 24. Sep 2003 08:03   
Yeah, use GeoPaint!

[92] : 24. Sep 2003 15:42   
i just want to be held

[93] : 24. Sep 2003 16:38   
We don’t want to know *where* you want to be held, do we...? =-)

[94] : 24. Sep 2003 23:20   
The link to Publication #50 is broken. Use this alternative link:

[95] : 25. Sep 2003 09:22   
Thanks, Steppe. Download-Link for Publication #50 updated. Zeitgeist, what did you do there? :-)
Anyway, if you find a dead link, please also drop me and CreaMD an Email so we can take care of it asap.

[96] : 25. Sep 2003 09:24   
According to Zeitgeist. "there has been a bug with the music in PBC50." So they have removed the file from the old location. It "will be online again as soon as possible.

[97] : 25. Sep 2003 09:26   
MacGyver. Havran just told me about interesting broken link checker software. We might also try that one.

[98] : 25. Sep 2003 09:30   
Romanko: Hey, that sounds interesting!

Added GIG Sued GEOS Meeting to the partyscope.

[99] : 25. Sep 2003 10:59   
Moved "News from XeNTaX HQ" to the Beta-News.

[100] : 25. Sep 2003 15:52   
Olav M0rkrid turns 30 today .. he who once was just a little kid, bragging about his skills, shocking the world .. we *are* getting old, indeed.

[101] : 25. Sep 2003 16:40   
I RULE! (Still 2 years and 1 month to go...;-)

[102] : 25. Sep 2003 16:41   
Ah and of course Happy birthday, Olaf.

[103] : 25. Sep 2003 17:17   
Oh fucksocks, i’m 32 in two months time... still, i can claim to be $20 then so... =-)

[104] : 25. Sep 2003 18:54   
NO! I RULE (10+ Years scene activity) Fnaaar!

[105] : 25. Sep 2003 20:38   
Publication #50 update of the updated updated. Magazine should be free of bugs, so leech and enjoy the reading.

[106] : 25. Sep 2003 23:58   
who wants to read a mag when they can start a crew named after a christian rock band?
Christian Burner aka fadelz

[107] : 26. Sep 2003 00:02   
we love olav!

[108] : 26. Sep 2003 00:59   
Fixed the Galaxy II piece to add a link and added it to the downloads...

[109] : 26. Sep 2003 01:01   
[Looks at Richard] was there any point at all in posting that "anonymously"...?

[110] : 26. Sep 2003 09:48   
tmr i hold you in a dark alley.. fear the anonymous postings sucker.. you will never stop us!

[111] : 26. Sep 2003 12:33   
Moved news about "New Ideology Release" and "Boondocks - new forum for Ascii & Scene" to beta-news.

[112] : 26. Sep 2003 14:59   
Fade, it’s only anonymous if nobody knows it’s you...? =-)

[113] : 26. Sep 2003 18:53   
Nice music in Galaxy II. Nice logos also. - This is a reaction ;)

[114] : 26. Sep 2003 21:39   
Fixed the dotView news item to add a link and make it a little more compact.

[115] : 27. Sep 2003 00:57   
big brother is watching me.. and i am naked :)

[116] : 27. Sep 2003 02:54   
That Atari demo(Numen)was so cool, thanks CreamD

[117] : 27. Sep 2003 15:29   
...good job I don’t have a webcam the the bathroom ;)

[118] : 28. Sep 2003 03:25   
Oh my god! That’s killer demos on the Chicago C= Expo, isn’t it!?

[119] : 28. Sep 2003 16:12   
Don’t they mean presentations? Who the hell is responsible fot this irresponsible terminology hijacking ?

[120] : 28. Sep 2003 16:53   
Ofcourse they mean presentations, and every nerd should get that ;-)

[121] : 28. Sep 2003 18:12   
Yeah, but it’s not half as fun as pretending you don’t know what they mean... =-)

[122] : 28. Sep 2003 21:18   
I couldn’t help myself and replaced "This Year?s Demos" by "Presentations". I’m sure people living in US use this informal term more freely for anything concerning demonstration of product or service, but in C64 scene it has it’s historically defined specific purpose and in order to avoid misunderstandings I’ve decided to "translate" the term. Thanx for understanding.

[123] : 29. Sep 2003 21:31   
Sorry for the troubles some strange bug appeared in the reactions table in the database. It disappeared after the optimisation.

[124] : 29. Sep 2003 21:45   
Fixed the Uncovered piece to make the link click-able...


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