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The C64 Banner Exchange
 January 2002 Beta News (14) updated JAN 03 2002 00:01 is upgraded JAN 03 2002 22:43
Argus Designs: release ‘Memories 64 webpageJAN 04 2002 02:25
False rumors! JAN 05 2002 04:44
C64 Monster site at: JAN 06 2002 16:02
AMERICA by Kjell Nordbo released JAN 09 2002 22:23
Apidya Web: JAN 14 2002 15:34
Soiled Legacy 100% does NOT exist! JAN 15 2002 10:24
BCN01 prods or JAN 15 2002 14:08
Mr.Mouse‘s CT-tunes now also in MP3 format JAN 19 2002 14:54
Test Drive II - Masterdisk fix for emulator - Download here! JAN 19 2002 15:35
c64 drum&bass mix here JAN 21 2002 00:04
Karma64 - new C64 remix CD JAN 24 2002 18:15
New version of CCS64! FEB 04 2002 16:01

[1] : 03. Jan 2002 04:11   
I was just playing with some automatic monthly txt report generating. It's still not anything extra. I tried to strip link (A) tags and replace them by url but I've disabled it as it wasn't 100% reliable. Still feel free to check this url for TXT only latest news

[2] : 03. Jan 2002 19:59   
I've added automatic translation of URL's to active links into the ADD NEWS formular. It's a testing version, so it might be improved later.

[3] : 06. Jan 2002 00:35   
hmmm... I really like a list of the upcoming parties like you had for some before.... Maybe that could be made a seperate section or so.

[4] : 06. Jan 2002 01:22   
yes It's comming soon. The name suggested by Wotnau is PartyScope

[5] : 06. Jan 2002 17:02   
PartyScope sounds good... You guys rule!

[6] : 06. Jan 2002 21:56   
Please can someone please do a version of 'Byteboiler' cruncher that does NOT need to use 256k extra RAM and is compatible with only 64K RAM, still keep the flashy effect, but change STY $D020 into STA $D020, as it looks more cool that way?
Richard of TND

[7] : 07. Jan 2002 20:25   
Anyone created any new JokeTros yet for the JokeTro compo?

[8] : 07. Jan 2002 21:03   
Rich what about if we shortened the deadline to the end of January. Long compos usually bore me. Then we will make a massive brainwashing promotion. And I will also make an intro just for fun. What do you say?
The Grandmother Ninja aka CreaMD of Dmagic

[9] : 09. Jan 2002 15:41   
A little redesign plus few cute features comming soon...

[10] : 10. Jan 2002 17:49   
Guys, in the archive the dates look like they are not correct anymore. I was just looking at the results for x2001, which show the date of November 13th... However the party only ended November 25th, so there must be something wrong here.

[11] : 10. Jan 2002 19:20   
The date is okay... it's the date when the article about X was posted.. (which was before the party) then it was on spotlight for a long time, but you're right It should be changed...

[12] : 10. Jan 2002 19:49   
ok changed... new features comming soon..

[13] : 11. Jan 2002 03:59   
more features still coming.. (and sorry for that constant misspelling of a word comming.. I can't get rid of that so easily ;-) Have a nice day and plese Help us with PARTY SCOPE

[14] : 11. Jan 2002 13:01   
upsa.. squished one bug in partyscope script... now the dates should be okay...

[15] : 11. Jan 2002 16:43   
I like it... nice features....

[16] : 11. Jan 2002 19:50   
still it`s just beginning.. more is on the way... stay tuned...

[17] : 11. Jan 2002 23:44   
Q: Retro Computing Today - What is the big idea? Answers: a. To support the people creatively using commodore either in software or hardware areas? b. To profit on the current fashion trend of retro computing, emulation, old computers & games collecting?
CreaMD - Roman Chlebec, Mgr.

[18] : 12. Jan 2002 08:49   
CreamD: Do you know where the mag is located and if it be available to buy in shops or only via mail?

[19] : 12. Jan 2002 15:28   
Rough, according to, our fellow speccy news portal, this news was also posted on c.s.s newsgroups by Shaun. His e-mail address is: Shaun/Retro Computing Today -

[20] : 12. Jan 2002 18:39   
Ah, I noticed that you have changed C64 Portal a bit. Looks better that way :)

[21] : 12. Jan 2002 20:15   
more to come..

[22] : 15. Jan 2002 04:34   
Espagna Rulez!!! ;-)

[23] : 15. Jan 2002 16:27   
This site rules!!! It gets every time better and better!

[24] : 15. Jan 2002 20:08   
Why do people always have to spread these stupid rumors about other people in demo groups leaving the scene, when it is untrue. Do these people EVER grow up?

[25] : 17. Jan 2002 21:59   
Thanx for the whole staff, Commander.

[26] : 19. Jan 2002 15:44   
the best c64 page wiht the latest news.

[27] : 24. Jan 2002 15:09   
Some users browse using wave, so I've decided to make a wave-friendly version. Try it here. This is just a test.All tags except "a", "br", "p", and, "b" should be stripped. It also doesn't support spotlight article and betanews article positioning yet. Of course all additional fucntions are also disabled yet, only navigation between news works. I would like to add simple form for news submit, but I don't know if the forms are supported in wave. Let me know if they are.

[28] : 24. Jan 2002 20:44   
H.M.MURDOCK wrote: Important note.Colly are protected with plush emufuxx00r v1.0 and this version have some bugs.So sometimes on your real c64 you will see,that you run it with emulator!sorry not my fault!!!!wait two weeks for 100% version but first I must have last fux00r version! for this time please don't spread my colly oficially or with my notice.BIG SORRY FOR THIS PROBLEM. Use real c64! And I can just comment it by... no comment...

[29] : 25. Jan 2002 11:11   
I thinks emufuxxOr itself are a bugs ;-)

[30] : 28. Jan 2002 09:41 is back. Crash was caused by too many connections to database from the search engine indexing program. Now the page is optimised no to allow this, and also it will send indexing robots away from the page (until we will find how to tell them to behave ;-). Have a nice day everybody and sorry for the problems.

[31] : 28. Jan 2002 20:40   
Latest downloads was a long planned thing in the to-do list of Also Fanta of Plush suggested this feature to me when we met at X-2001. Thanx for suggestion Alex. Also there is a better editing system for the editor(s) in chief (now almost every feature is editable). Birthday announcer is a next planned thingy. Stay tuned and have a nice day everybody.

[32] : 29. Jan 2002 11:30   
Latest downloads is a nice feature! Well done, mate! If I can make a humble suggestion, then I'd move the gallery pin-ups :) UNDER the Partyscope section, as the gallery is there all the time (and there's also the BUTTON on the top of the page), while the Partyscope brings ever-fresh information.

[33] : 29. Jan 2002 19:42   
Latest downloads section - Yeah that is a cool idea.

[34] : 02. Feb 2002 22:42   
Hey guess what? I've been doing more on my game 'Heavy Metal Deluxe', this time the main game code :)

[35] : 02. Feb 2002 23:13   
Do not you forget to us send the of the game wievproof boy dear. We waiting are for long too to this watch the release new from you.
The Grandmother Ninja

[36] : 03. Feb 2002 18:55   
The game is still undeway in development, but all seems to be going really well. I've nearly finished coding the main game. All I need to do is program the end sequence. Send all datas to a Civitas member, to C128 fix and then relocate all datas and form the whole project :)


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