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28/12 - 28/12 Xmas/Winter 1-Screener Online Compo @ #5th Xmas Live with BOOM! and Friends (Standalone Compo)
28/12 - 29/12 Trasher $32 (") (Meeting)
10/01 - 11/01 rsync 2025 (Demo Party)
11/01 - 11/01 Vintage Computing Carinthia $2E (Meeting)
11/01 - 11/01 Reunion Miskolc 2025 (Meeting)


OCTOBER 2002   
Previous year 2001   JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC   2003 Next Year

 31. OCTOBER 2002
 Ninjatracker V1.0 23:47
A 10 rasterline musiceditor on C64, contains quite powerful step-programming capabilities but isn’t especially easy to use, so approach with caution... As usual, sourcecode included.


 30. OCTOBER 2002
 WorldCharts #15 voting closing on 1.11.2002 20:28
The voting for WorldCharts issue #15 will be closed on the 1st of November 2002! Go vote here! Expect the new issue in the following week then! Many thanks to 377 voter with 5316 ( ! ) votes till now! Thx a lot & keep this up... Dudes - kick your ass and vote NOW! Kind regards, WorldCharts staff.
Original post by Barock/Silents. News taken from
Actual number of voters: 424 votes: 6278 (CreaMD)

 29. OCTOBER 2002
 Lotek64 #03 shipped, PDF available 22:20
The printed version of the German-language magazine Lotek64 #03 is now on the way to the subscribers. The shipping had been delayed due to personal reasons of the main-creator of the magazine, Lord Lotek.

If you ordered an issue but don?t receive one by the middle of November, please contact Lord Lotek.

Donations are still welcome in order to keep the magazine alive.

Also the PDF-version is available now, it can be downloaded from
 Catweasel MK3 PCI/Flipper 09:17
Individual Computers has released the Catweasel MK3 PCI/Flipper. It's a PCI board for modern PCs, MACs and the new computers AmigaOne and Pegasos. It even comes with a SID chip! Very very cool stuff indeed!

The Catweasel MK3 has an option to use the original soundchip of the Commodore 64, also known as SID (Sound Interface Device). This part of the board has been carefully designed in order to produce exactly the same sound that the C-64 produced.

To bring the real feeling of the old games to new computers, the Catweasel MK3 has two connectors for so-called digital joysticks. This is the type of joystick that has been used by many computers of the 80s like C-64, VIC-20, Atari and Amiga. The connector was the same on all these computers: A 9-pin Sub-D. Analog joysticks of that time (so-called paddles) can also be used.

 27. OCTOBER 2002
 Professional DOS/Rapid DOS Pro/DiskDemon 19:21

I am searching for any kind of information and/or material (including the original hardware) about the floppy speeder "Professional DOS" from Mikrotronic (also known as "Professional 1541 DOS", DiskDemon sold by Datel in the UK or RapidDOS Pro from Chip Level Designs located in North America; later it was sold as "mikrotronic system professional" in the US by Mikrotronic Michigan, Inc.).
Professional DOS was (or is) the fastest floppy speeder for the Commodore 64/128 (D) and it's disk-drives 1541, 1541C, 1570 and 1571 (e.g. 202 Blocks are read in about 3 seconds). Unfortunatly it was not very well known, but I think it?s one of the best speeder ever.

For more informations about Professional DOS see (thanks to Wolfgang Moser). In the near future, I will publish some information about this system on my own website (in German only, sorry - are there any volunteers who can help me with a translation?).

If you are able to help me, please send your e-mail to: (please give me a short note before sending huge archives or any other stuff to my e-mail account).

Many thanks and best regards,

Tim Schuermann (at this time only in German - sorry)

 Nostalgia gained 2 new members 16:08
Antitrack joined NOSTALGIA. Be prepared for upcoming high quality cracks from ANTiTRACK of NOSTALGIA. He just joined some minutes before.

Mr.Alpha returned and re-joined Nostalgia. Yes, it's true: I'm back, trying to support Nostalgia with originals and ideas again.

Also visit the Nostaligia homepage.
 New C64 Web BBS coming soon! 01:54
Remember the web boards like Spankerz Heaven by Burglar/Scs&Trc or Second to None by Dave/Legend?
Well, something better is coming!

Making a C64 BBS on the web - properly - is a matter of emulating a real C64 BBS as accurately as possible. Like how an emulator emulates a C64 for example. Another main factor is the administration and users. The ?feel? of a real C64 BBS (which only old board callers would truely know) may also occur on this upcoming project.

The new web bbs will be EXACTLY like the old boards, based on the popular C*Base outfit.

Code and graphics are already fully underway.

The project team so far are: Jazzcat, Shok?ray, Jucke, Macx and Uzzy. The site will also various graphics from Chameleon and several others.

I am collecting BBS ?buffers? and gfx from the old days, so if you have any, or any suggestions in general, please email me.

We have no time-frame on the project, but hopefully we can get it online in the next coming month or two.

 26. OCTOBER 2002
 HVSC Update #33 is released 23:28
HVSC Update #33 is now released for you all to enjoy. Highlights this update include are long lost tunes from Fred Gray and David Whittaker, real C64 versions of sample tunes in RSID format, and much more.

The collection will have 19,203 files once the update is run. Please download it and keep your collection up to date.

HVSC Web Page

 Scene World #5 & World Music are out! 20:45
The latest issue of Scene World - NTSC & PAL diskmag is out! Download! We hope you will enjoy reading and listening! :)

For online charts and Active Scener List form, visit Scene World homepage! Thanks again to all who contributed and made this releases possible!

There is more to come! ;) All the best! Bye!
 Another new game by TND 18:02
A few weeks after the launch of Bomb Chase, I was practising more with handling turboassembly code last week and I come up with a new game. ?Star Blazers? is the name. It is sort of a pong-style game, with some duel action added. Blast the orb and make it hit your opponent?s goal. The orb won?t rebound if your ship hits it. You can download this game from The Games Download Page. Have fun ;)
 ArachnoPhobia #26 16:35
ROLE and the Spiders-Crew released the 26th issue of ArachnoPhobia. Click on the link beneath to download! Don?t forget to fill-out the votesheet! Download.
 Digital Talk #57 online 14:29
The latest issue of the German-language diskmag Digital Talk is available for download here.
Contents are a lot of chit-chat-texts, a completely redone Hall of Fame (games highscores), Taxim?s comeback, a huge text about the Commodore 1 and a lot more.
Stuff on disc: party-stuff from the North Party 7.


Download-Link updated by MacGyver on 31st October 2002, 16:57 CET
 Amiga & Retro Computing 2002 site in English 13:47
The homepage of the Amiga + Retro Computing 2002 fair, taking place on 7th and 8th December 2002 in Aachen, Germany, is now also available in English language.

The Commodore One is going to be first presented and sold in Europe at this fair. Jeri Ellsworth will be present in person!

 25. OCTOBER 2002
 State of the Art party-website online 10:16
The homepage of the The State of the Art party is now completely online here.
The party will take place on 13th to 15th December 2002 in Tourcoing (near Lille, France).
For further information contact the main organisator kRafton / nOmad. continues 10:09
After basitsch decided to stop his German-language newssite due to lack of time, new maintainers could be found and the site is back online by now!
The old news-items are still there.
Unfortunately the userdatas could not be taken over, same goes for the comments, forum-contents etc. But those can be filled again :-)

 21. OCTOBER 2002
 The C64 Inventory reachs 50 units! 23:57
The C64 Inventory ( is a site with the goal of having an inventory of all existing C64s.

"The list" of existing C64 units catalogued in this site has reached 50 units and even surpassed that number.

It’s very far from the estimated 20.000.000 units sold around the world, but the webmaster thinks that the efforts of people that has taken care of send their C64 pictures to the site is much valuable than how many will be listed.

Anyway take a look there and see by yourself how different users from different locations of the world are featured there.

 20. OCTOBER 2002
 New Sidplay2/w 16:41
Today a new version of sidplay2/w has been released. The main new feature is support for RSID files in libsidplay2.

RSID is a new file format, soon to be introduced in the High Voltage SID Collection. It is meant for tunes that play on a c64 but not on a ?classic? SID emulator, like PlaySID or any emulator based on libsidplay1. Examples include sample tunes that have not been converted to PlaySID sample format, non-interrupt based players, etc.

RSID files are just like PSID files, only the header id has been changed from ?PSID? to ?RSID? so that old players will safely reject them. This is because they would hang or crash old players.

Get it now at

 18. OCTOBER 2002
 Oldscool Demos Research 23:03
Perhaps you know the very good appointed site It?s an archiv which contains C64-scene-demos (information and downloads). And that?s the point...
The archiv is growing, but we are in big need of new stuff to upload! New demos for the C64 can be found everywhere, but what?s with oldscool productions?
We need YOUR help, to make a complete archiv of all demos which were produced for the C64, so, if you have some images on stock which are not listened in the archiv, please mail me!
If you own a big selfcollected archiv of oldscool demos, please let me know. So we can make this stuff reachable for the public!

 17. OCTOBER 2002
 3 new games uploaded 20:32
Another 3 (well almost) new games have been uploaded into a new download section on TND web site. These are three unfrozen text adventure games, which I produced way back in 1998 and they never got released at all. The three games were created using Graphic Adventure Creator by Incentive software. To download the three games visit Adventure games page.

 16. OCTOBER 2002
 New "All About Your..." released 23:31
New versions of the mighty "All About Your..."-help system have been uploaded to! AAY64 and AAY1541 are updated, AAY1581 is introduced. Check the new AAY-page for further details ("Browse" links may not work yet). Enjoy and happy coding!
Ninja / The Dreams

 14. OCTOBER 2002
 The SID Compo 2 (30) - it ended! 02:03
Last year we've organised the GoatTracker music competition and exactly one year after the first compo we've decided to organise the second one: THE SID COMPETITION II. It was held on 8. October - 4. November 2002, with one exception: all C64 music editors are allowed. The SID compo has ended, download the C64 EXECUTABLES PACK. Voting ENDED on Sunday - Nov 17. 2002!
Discussion: 294 reactions   |  Written by CreaMD

 13. OCTOBER 2002
 The end of 22:37
Today I have some not so nice information for you: I now stopped this German-language newssite for good.

After I paused working on the homepage for some time last year, I have to face my calendar once more: I simply miss the time to keep taking care of this site.

All in all I can look back with joy and a bit of pride over the last years. It all started with 2 MB webspace at a little provider here in town. After some time the site grew to a pretty decent database for the most different news from the C64-world.

About 14.000 users visited us a month. We collected almost 700 news-items and in the end we had almost the same amount of registered users.

With this I would like to thank all helpers once more who took part at this site, even if it was for a such a short time. I would also like to thank all visitors and news-writers for their support because without you the best homepage does not have much sense.

Now there is only one thing left to say: Take care and keep your tail up ... ah yeah ... and remain loyal to the C64 ;)

Translated from German to English by MacGyver on 13th October 2002, 23:54 CET
 New version of Exomizer 21:54
Version 1.1 of the cross platform c64 cruncher Exomizer has been released. As usual the release includes linux and win32 executables, decruncher assembler source code and full source code for the Exomizer itself. Highlights of the changes from the 1.0 release are: built in decruncher, support for c16/plus4 computers and a 4 byte shorter decruncher. However, there is no difference in crunch results. That will have to wait for the next major release. As always it is available for download over at the excellent Covert Bitops site in the tools section but now also from the great c16/plus4 site Plus/4 World.
Magnus Lind
 Commodore One in Europe! 01:27
The Commodore One is going to be first presented and sold in Europe at the Amiga + Retro Computing 2002 fair. It will take place on 7th and 8th December 2002 in Aachen, Germany.
Jeri Ellsworth will be personally present! Visit for more information.
 Bitmap To IFLI Converter 00:09
This converter will convert any Bitmap Image to IFLI with the ability to save as a self running C64 executable!

High quality IFLI conversion
Adjustable color channel sliders for optimum color matching and dithering

Download it from

 12. OCTOBER 2002
 Lotek64 #03 coming closer 23:10
The third issue of the German-language magazine Lotek64 is now finished and will be printed and shipped next week according to the plan. Lotek64 #03 offers some little innovations based on suggestions from the readers:

- More C64: Lotek64 will publish more on the Commodore 64 in future. Anyhow other systems are not going to be neglected, they don’t want to be a C64-only-magazine. From now on, reports from the C64-scene will slip in the magazine, further more a series about old CD-gameconsoles is in preparation. A series about the Macintosh is planned for 2003.

- Readers’ letters: From now on there’s a readers’ letters corner. How much space is going to be used for readers’ letters is declared open for discussion.

- More size: Issue 03 was extended by 4 pages to 24 pages. Whether future-issues can be released in the same size is up on several factors: a.) shipping-costs will go up probably, b.) higher printing-costs c.) and number/value of donations to compansate that; but also d.) the number of contributions they will receive.

- More pictures: Although a certain amount of text should remain, more pictures are going to be used in future, depending on availability. The current issue has more than 100 illustrations.

About the contents:
C64: ROLE-story, interview with Commander/ROLE, partyreports (VISION Party, Commodore Meeting Vienna, ROLE-Party), review: Singles Collection 1, new series: diskmags (part 1: Input64 + ArachnoPhobia). Galaksija-story + interview with Voja Antonic, game-remakes (Ports of Call, Cataball/Hopping Mad), game-reviews (suprise!), fair-report: O.A.S.E. 02 and some other surprises.

For information about Lotek64, contact Lord Lotek. Earlier issues can be leeched from in PDF-format.
 Out of Orderia 2002 - How?s this (year) gonna end? 23:01
Want to avoid the holy holiday boredom between christmas and new year?s eve? Out of Order might have the right distraction for you. All Commodore enthusiasts and those who want to become one are invited to finish the year by celebrating the breadbox on the seventh incarnation of the Out of Orderia party.

Planned events are:
- Sound wizard Taxim finally has his long-awaited comeback, presenting: Synthie Trax live! Taxim plays selections of new material which will be first-released on the party, and available for sale on CD.
- Competitions for the creative (demo, gfx, msx etc.), for gamers, and more
- A performance by the first inofficial Chris H?lsbeck impersonator
- Auction - buy soft- or hardware, or bring & sell your own
- SID karaoke and disco

When, where, how?
- Dec 27, 12.00 to Dec 29, 12.00
- Location: Katholisches Pfarrhaus (catholic parsonage) in Hoppst?dten-Weiersbach, Germany (near Birkenfeld, between Kaiserslautern and Trier), easy to reach via highway A62 or by train (contact us if you want to be picked up at the station).
- Party place with separate sleeping space, kitchen, WCs, shower and a meadow outside
- Admission is 10 Euro for participants, free for short-time visitors
- Please pre-register to reserve a place (not mandatory)

Contact: Volker Rust, tel. +49 160 / 98692490, or email

Detailed information about the coming party and pictures from previous years are available in the web at (directlink) - homepage in German language.

 11. OCTOBER 2002
 Cuneiform updated to 0.35 23:07
Cuneiform (a C64 charset editor for Win32) has been updated to version 0.35. You can download it at
 New release from UDI 01:39
Thanks to inspiration from Gamebase 64, I?ve recently fixed Super Dragon Slayer - finally a debugged copy after all these years. Check it out along with other new NTSC fixes and releases at the UDI Homepage.
 Internal #29 released 01:24
Internal #29 by The Warriors of the Wasteland is out now. Contents next to the usual stuff like News, Charts, Reactions and Addies are chapters concering the parties Mekka+Symposium, ROLE-Party and the Vision-Conference. Last but not least there are some chapters covering different aspects of C64-history plus 2 chapters with personal views on the scene. Download.

Link updated by MacGyver on 21st October 2002, 18:33 CET

 10. OCTOBER 2002
 Radwar Birthday Party Date, Place and Facts 19:55
Hello gents,

finally we are ready to announce the final information about our forthcoming 17th anniversary party - short: ?Radwar Birthday Party?. Special thanx to TC (Radwar) for organizing the party place.

Date: Saturday, 9th of November 2002
Time: 6 p.m.

Nacht Galerie
Deichstr. 84
52525 Heinsberg (Oberbruch Altstadt)
Germany (follow the link for a detailed map and info about the place)

It?s not far away from the usual party place Chez Renzo or La Quinta (500 meters). You?ll have to pay 5 EURO for the entrance and we will offer you a nice Italian food buffet for free. The drinks will be served at low prices and the music that will be played is 80s-style only. The Radwar homepage will be updated with all thiz info within the next days. Everybody who plans to come should send me a short mail, so that we can make better plannng. That?s all for now, hope to see ya all in november.

the ?Nacht Galerie? was the party place for RADWAR PARTY No. 3 (1989-06-30), it was named ?Las Palmas? these days. Have a look at
 Level 64 site new updated 02:19
We have updated our website at with some cracks from the past years of the Spanish scene. There are some new covers painted by myself, too.

 9. OCTOBER 2002
 SID DUZZ? IT Homepage 20:05
Sid Duzz? It mainpage have moved to SDI 2002. But you can still access the old pages if you want to look at the old versions. Expect a new version pretty soon.

 8. OCTOBER 2002
 The SID Compo II 23:41
Last year we've organised the GoatTracker music competition. For those who don't know, GoatTracker is a SID music editor running on PC/Windows and at that time we wanted to publicize it more. Exactly year after the first compo we've decided to organise the second one: THE SID COMPETITION II. It is held in the same time period 8.-22. october 2002, with one exception: all c64 music editors are allowed.

That means: GoatTracker, CyberTracker and John Player. DMC, JCH-ed., SID DUZZ'IT, et cetera.

Submitted tunes will be published on-the-fly. Send them to:
Discussion: 294 reactions   |  Written by CreamD
 A new game already? 19:20
I doubt any of you are interested, but what the heck. A new game has been uploaded on to the TND web site. It?s a small crap game called "Power Surge", which was originally written for the Crap Game Compo 2001, but sadly it did not make it to the compo, due to forgetfulness. Anyway, you can download the game and please try to enjoy it.

One more thing. If any of you crackers are going to first release this game, please, no fake labels and no nasty comments either.

 Some new transfered games 15:03
You can find some new transfered games on the ORIGINAL C64 HQ at, a games-site in Hungarian language.
All of the freshly transfered games are marked with (Z-Code). Please test them, and report to me if any one is buggy (game-name and a description of the bug is needed!).

 7. OCTOBER 2002
 Results for the 1K game compo 19:21
1. Splatform by Robin Harbron, C64
2. Astrostorm by Mermaid, C64
3. Kiloroid by Richard Wilson, CPC

Check out the full results with all the comments at
 Lotek64 small info 00:03
1. Deadline
Lotek64 #03 is near completion. The magazine will be send off on 14th October. Articles can be mailed upto today, 7th October, 14:00h CET to Lord Lotek.

2. Premiere: 24 Pages
The third issue of Lotek64 will also be larger. Since 20 pages simply were not enough this time, the number of pages was increased to 24.

3. Lotek64-PDFs
The Lotek64-Webseite ( is in fact still down, but a solution is in sight. Please be patient.
If you are looking for PDF-versions of Lotek64, you can find them at!

 6. OCTOBER 2002
 North Party v7.0 is over 20:09
North Party v7.0 took place on 4.-6. October 2002 in Bartoszyce/Poland.


Demo Compo:
01. "Biba 2" / Arise (277)
02. "Late Ejaculation" / Elysium (224)
03. "Fata Morgana" / Oxygen64 (170)
04. "BornInPain" / Sataki (108)

Music Compo:
01. Orcan (276)
02. Praiser (235)
03. Smalltown Boy (231)
04. Wizard (211)
05. Snickers (202)
06. Longhair (193)
07. Wacek (187)
08. Jammer (185)
09. Shapie (181)
10. Sidder (180)
11. Bzyk (172)
12. Shogoon (166)
13. CreaMD (159)
14. VIP (158)
15. Heinmukk (136)
16. Klax (107)
17. Data (96)
18. Yodelking & UL-Tomten (88)

ReflexTracker Compo:
01. Jammer (205)
02. Shogoon (153)
03. Reiter (134)
04. Data (100)

2 Sid Compo:
01. Data (???)

Graphics Compo:
01. Katon (242)
02. Crazy Pepe (184)
03. Spider (165)

4K Compo:
01. Prezes (???)
02. Dj.Gruby (???)

VHS Compo:
01. Kalma (233)
02. Autyzm (203)
03. Piane Kurczak (164)

You can download the stuff at

Link updated by MacGyver on 13th October 2002, 14:11 CET
 Banana Republic back online 16:56
Elysium?s FTP-Site The Banana Republic seems to be back online. Check it out at

 5. OCTOBER 2002
 HVSC Update #33 status update and important info 20:28
Hello there,

After we announced that the next HVSC Update, Update #33, would contain SID files that would require Sidplay2 or a real C64 to run them correctly (and would crash older SID emulators) concern was expressed at the fact that the crashes with older SID emulators would not be appreciated by the users, despite the fact that in most cases there’d be a PSID equivalent rip.,

After some discussion, it has been decided that the best way to include real C64 sample rips (or any other rip that requires such things as real-time non-interrupt based playback) is to make a slight change and introduce a modified PSIDv2NG file format for these - which will be known as RSID.,

RSID is bascially the same specification as PSIDv2NG except for the following:,

* - The header will say RSID instead of PSID. This will be enough for older SID emulators (for example, anything based on Sidplay1-type emulation) to safely reject these SID files without crashing them. * - Certain fields, namely load, play, speed, and the PSID-specific flag, will be reserved and set to 0.,

What this will mean also is that anything using Sidplay2-based emulation will also operate a strict C64 environment for these files. Please note that RSID should only be used _if_ the SID file will crash older SID emulators.,

Sidplay2 is being worked on at the moment to support this format and this is in beta-testing at the moment, similarly the rippers’ tool PSIDedit will be known as SIDedit in future, and this tool is also being beta-tested as we speak. There will also be changes to the HVSC Update Tool to accomodate this too.,

What this will mean is that the scheduled date for the update release will be put back slightly, but I am sure you will agree that the wait will be worth it. To play C64 samples like they were intended to be? This has to be a positive.,

Kind regards The HVSC Team
 Topaz Hires Editor v1.5 released by DMAgic 19:11
Have you also always wanted decent keyboard controls in Topaz?s Hires Editor? This version has one installed. The editor also supports all drives (08-16) now. Have fun with this updated version by Jak T Rip of DMAgic! Download

 4. OCTOBER 2002
 Vote in the MiniGame compo! 3 days left! 14:40
We need more people to vote for the games in the MiniGame compo! The voting deadline is on this Monday at 12.00 GMT (early AM for Americans, just after lunch for Europeans). Please submit votes!


 3. OCTOBER 2002
 tUM?o2 - Germany 27.-29.12.2oo2 21:37
Finally in 2oo2 we are back! Due to many bad things that happened to the scene this year (TP is no longer a place for sceners and Dialogos has been cancelled), we decided to bring back a fine party located in the south of Germany! Check our official party homepage for further information.
 Internal #29 21:36
Another issue of the eagerly awaited diskmagazine ’Internal’ by the Warriors of the Wasteland was released to the snailscene today. A .d64 image will be spread to all you emulamers in a matter of days. If you want to support the magazine with exclusive musics, chapters or filled votesheets then you are welcome to contact me. Our website is currently offline due to provider troubles but will hopefully be online soon again. Just keep trying at

->WOW<- on with the show !
 Going North... 15:53
The legendary Polish party returns back. This weekend, from 4th to 6th October, the North Party series continues with it's 7th event in a row. Your dedicated investigative journalist will be there in the cute small city called Bartoszyce, located on the north border of Poland. Risking his own good reputation ;-) and liver in order to get exlusive first-hand information about this unique happening. Have a nice weekend and stay tuned for more ;-).

 2. OCTOBER 2002
 Better late than never... 23:29
Happy Birthday JTR! A demo dedicated to my groupmate Jak-T-Rip by Mermaid/Creators. Download. JTR: Sorry for my ignorance, but it seems that I?ve lost IT... I hope the wizard will return back to the tower soon as I?ve failed to walk in his footsteps... ;-) Happy birthday! (News spotted at
 October Beta News (9) 20:15
October Beta NewsUrine Release of Bomb Chase is BETA OCT 02 2002 18:54
CSDB temporary down OCT 06 2002 23:42
Bomb Chase gets a Fake Release. OCT 07 2002 20:02
Honestly, I doubt it?s TRIAD... OCT 21 2002 11:34
The C64 Inventory opens 2 new sections. OCT 29 2002 10:37
CSDB up & running OCT 07 2002 18:22
HardSID PCI announced OCT 28 2002 22:57
Murdock aka HMM got kicked ! OCT 30 2002 17:31
The C64 Inventory: 30/10/2002 update. OCT 31 2002 00:25
Discussion: 49 reactions   |  Written by CreamD
 Insomnia by 64ever still delayed 19:31
Found on the CSDB-Forums yesterday:

The 2nd placed Demo from the X2001-Party "Insomnia" by 64ever is still not released. The coder behind this outstanding production, Raven / 64ever stated that he unfortunately recently lost his job. So currently he?s busy trying to find work.
All that was left to do on the production should be polish the endpart & link it with the rest of the Demo.

We wish him all the best for his job-search and hope he can finish & release the Demo soon.
 Spectacular C= Show - 19 October, Holland ! 09:49
On Saturday 19 October we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Commodore 64 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Trefpunt building, Kerkweg 21 in Maarssen, Netherlands. On exhibition will be several C= computers - KIM-1, CBM8032, CBM720, PET 2001, a SuperPet, a golden C64, VC20, VIC-20, C16, C116, Plus/4, C64GS, C65, SX-64, and many more, including some special peripherals. Also there will be a C= flea market and a C64 video-demo (shown using a video projector).

Marcel Donn? and Alistair "Boz" Bowness ( will give SID music demonstrations. There are other demonstrations; for example, we will show the C64 on the Internet through the use of the SuperCPU, the Wave and Wheels. We are expecting some very special guests to attend like John Vanderaart (a famous commercial Dutch gameprogammer), Petro Tytschtschenko and Marvin Droogsma (Amiga-scene). There will be plenty of newspaper, radio, and/or television press coverage. Admission is free.

For more information: (there?s a little English chapter on the startpage) or

 1. OCTOBER 2002
 Covertbitops site address 23:58
Covertbitops site can now be accessed, without any annoying popups, via

Thanks to Slaygon/Censor!
 The end of the Exon&SCHN coop 19:58
The cooperation between the two Polish groups Street Children and Exon has broken up on the 19th of September 2002. "Function? None" will be the last demo-production of Exon+SCHN, although most of the work is being done by Exon-members. Future issues of Newspaper (the Polish disk-magazine) and various other releases will be published under the Exon label only.
 Games News: Bomb Chase finally released 19:32
At long last, the final version of Bomb Chase (a full game) is finally released and is now downloadable. Click here to download ?Bomb Chase?, or visit The New Dimension official C64 web site.
 Here?s The Sarge Show 16:29
Joachim Ljunggren aka JOL and The Sarge has been a big inspiration for all of us who took part of the demo scene in the 80?s. On, you?ll find 92 pictures with comments from Joachim himself, a story about his past and a zip-file with C64 productions he?s been involved in along with his Amiga and PC work.

This is our tribute to one of the greatest artist on the C64 ever! Go check it out!
 Tape Mastering System for multi disk games 15:32
You can get our original Tape Mastering System for the C-64 that we used to create the Master Tapes for UBI Soft?s ?IRON LORD? and for Demonware?s Gem?X. The Power behind that Tape Loading System is not only to play music and animations during loading time - no, no ... it also has a complete REWIND / FORWARD and FLIP TAPE management based on timers. It calculates the time to access a special position on tape and stops the motor at this special point and tells you f.e. to PRESS STOP and PLAY again.


 Soft- and Hardware from Sintech 09:22
Not really something new because we are now already for over 8 years on the market. But maybe you haven?t seen our shop for retro and modern day computers yet.

Try: and get into a world of Commodore, Amstrad, Sinclair, Atari....
The C64- and Amiga-lists have been updated latly.


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