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SID Musicians




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Current events

01/10 - 30/11 Yogi's & Flex' Melodic 2SID Compo 2024 (Standalone Compo)
04/10 - 06/10 Deadline 2024 (Demo Party)
05/10 - 06/10 Excess + TREX Meeting V2 Steinhagen 2024 (Internal Meeting)
05/10 - 06/10 Flashparty 2024 (Demo Party)

Upcoming events

19/10 - 20/10 Syntax 2024 (Demo Party)
01/11 - 03/11 Zoo 2024 (Demo Party)
23/11 - 23/11 Transmission64 2024 (Demo Party)
31/01 - 02/02 Gerp 2025 (Demo Party)
21/03 - 23/03 Forever 2025 - Jurassic party (Demo Party, 8 bit Party)
21/03 - 23/03 Fioniadata 2025 (Demo Party, Meeting)
24/07 - 27/07 BOOM! Party 2025 (Demo Party)

Recent events

18/02 - 31/08 2024 C64 4kb Game Coding Competition (Standalone Compo)
09/08 - 11/08 Pågadata 2024 (Demo Party)
10/08 - 11/08 EjDison in Dah Beergola 2024 (Meeting)
15/08 - 15/08 Vintage Computing Carinthia $2B (Meeting)
16/08 - 18/08 Evoke 2024 (Demo Party)
17/08 - 17/08 HCC Meeting August 2024 (Meeting, 8 bit Party)
17/08 - 30/09 Game Loading Screen Compo 2024 (Standalone Compo)
22/08 - 23/08 Mayday! Air Base Conference VIII (Internal Meeting)
24/08 - 25/08 Chaos Constructions 2024 (Demo Party)
29/08 - 01/09 Xenium 2024 (Demo Party)
30/08 - 01/09 ACQUA Party 2024 (C64 Only Party)
05/09 - 08/09 DoReCo Party 2024 (8 bit Party)
13/09 - 15/09 SkrolliParty 2024 (Demo Party)
13/09 - 15/09 Black Birdie 2024 (Demo Party)
14/09 - 14/09 DevLab / TSA Grill'n Chill Autumn 2024 (Internal Meeting)
20/09 - 22/09 QB Party 2024 (Demo Party)
20/09 - 22/09 PsykoZ 2024 (Internal Meeting)
05/10 - 05/10 Vintage Computing Carinthia $2C (Meeting)
05/10 - 05/10 2. Cívis Retroszámítógép Találkozó (Meeting)


DECEMBER 2002   
Previous year 2001   JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC   2003 Next Year

 31. DECEMBER 2002
 Out Of Orderia 2002 releases available 22:05
As nobody seems to have noticed I put it up here:
The OOO 2002 releases, two disks full of stuff. Enjoy!

Updated by MacGyver on 19th August 2003, 20:00 CET
 Team Patrol finished & homepage moving 16:26
Protovision gives you another reason to celebrate the new year by releasing a new game: With Team Patrol the good old moon vehicle sees a comeback. But this time it?s not about destroying spaceships but to put up a good race with two or four players on 8 different courses. You need to shake your joystick so the Moon Buggy will accelerate - the more, the better! The game makes use of the 4 player interface by Protovision which was first introduced with "Bomb Mania". People who don?t own it yet can order it additionally. If you plug in a SuperCPU, it will be detected and can be used as RamDisc for the game data.

Team Patrol will be first shipped in January 2003. Orders are already welcome, email to Jak T Rip. Please help promoting the game using this Banner. Thanks a lot!

The Protovision homepage will move to a new provider after 31st December 2002. Because of that, it will not be reachable at the usual address for some time. Please use instead. The Email addresses will not work during this period either. Please use the alternative addresses.

 30. DECEMBER 2002
 tUM*02 C64-stuff available 23:16
You can download the C64-stuff released at tUM*02 here.
 Greetings from Onslaught 20:16
Shapie / [O] made a card to wish the scene a happy new year. Grab it from here.

Link updated by MacGyver on 6th January 2003, 18:27 CET
 Results and first pics from tUM*02 18:28
Full competition results can be found here.

The first photos from tUM*02 arrived, check They were taken by Intruder.

Updated by MacGyver on 27th April 2003, 10:43 CET.
 "Programming the 65816" book reprinted 15:39
This should be interesting for people who would like to program the CommodoreOne, SuperCPU or Flash 8.

Herbert Mertin will shortly order a reprint of the book "Programming the 65816" by David Eyes & Ron Lichty. The book is in English language, originally dated from 1986 and is hardly available any more. The original will be taken apart, copied and bound again by a bookbinder and the format will be enlarged to DIN A4, so that the small printed tables will be easier to read. At the end of the first week of January, the bookbinder will be back from holiday and things will begin moving, so hurry up! If you are interested, please send an email to by this time (please write "For Mertin" in the subject-line since Herbert has no own internet account at present). Please include your postal address, Germans should include their telephone number as well. You will only have to pay the cost price. It will not be more than 40 Euro in any case. Please understand you will have to pay in advance.

 29. DECEMBER 2002
 Devotion Compo 15:18
People asked me about prolonging the time of competition till 15th February. Hope that people will submit their work on time now. Here's the compo info below:

The staff of Enhiridion diskmag and website organize a competition for C-64. Coders, graphicians and musicians can show their skills as well as their creativity. Categories are as follows:

Music Compo:

There are two subcategories: SID COMPO and STEREO COMPO. There aren't any restrictions for tune lenght as well as for editor used for writing the music (final filetype isn't important, it could be prg file saved on 5,25" disk or D64 file, it might be saved also as a PC executable PSID file). Two SID music has to be saved as a prg. In case of any problems with connecting two 3 channel parts, send them to us separately.

Graphic Compo:

Also two subcategories in plans: LOGO COMPO and PICTURE COMPO. All graphic modes and themes allowed.Picture have to be saved as RUN executable shower (so don't forget to attach Your showing procedure). We don?t accept PC formats such as JPG, GIF or other ones.

Intro Compo:

Two categories: 1 BLOCK INTRO and 4KB INTRO. In the first category only max 1 block long intros are allowed. Intros written for 4kb Intro musn't exceed 17 blocks on disk after compression.

Additional info:

Time for sending Your productions expires by 15th February 2003. You can send two productions for any category! All works should be signed (just short info about the author) and up to rules mentioned above.

Where should You send Your work? There are two ways:


Mariusz Rozwadowski (postscript DEVOTION COMPO)
ul. Goszczy?skiego 8/96
41-219 Sosnowiec

- write if diskettes should be send back to You.

 28. DECEMBER 2002
 Tiger Disk #106 online 19:46
A happy new year to all!

You can now download issue 106 of the German mag Tiger Disk (TD) here.

 26. DECEMBER 2002
 Another Xmas-demo 18:56
Dekadence has released another xmas-demo. It was supposed to compete in the xmasdemocompo, but didn’t apparently reach the organizers. So here it is for you all to enjoy. :)
britelite / dekadence

 24. DECEMBER 2002
 X-mas booze first pictures 23:04
Ho Ho Ho fellow sceners,

here are the first pictures from the X-mas booze in Dortmund :D
 Mail Madness #47 released 15:56
Unlimited released issue 47 of their German-language magazine Mail Madness.
Contents are:
News on Protovision?s game Pac It, latest info on The Stock, Mail Madness Party #4 report, Vision 2003 information, advertisements and quite some more.

At this version, the file "-Baracuda sucht-" will work.

 Sceptre of Bagdhad - uncut 08:54
Christmas Eve again... and what is a christmas eve without a smacky firstrelease? This year TRIAD and ONSLAUGHT decided to cooperate to bring you a very nice adventure game, SCEPTRE OF BAGDHAD UNCUT. It?s a sequel to the first Sceptre game that was released by RSI almost ten years ago by now.

Supplied by Jazzcat/ONSLAUGHT, crackprotection bypassed, trained and endscreen bugfixed by Quorthon/TRIAD. Walkthrough provided by Taper & Twoflower/TRIAD.

This game got a lot of playability and is well worth your time. We hope you will enjoy it as
much as we do. Merry Christmas to all of you, and be sure - as long as you stick around, we?ll meet again next year, if not before.

TRIAD and ONSLAUGHT - Christmas Eve 2002.

The release was spread via the TRIAD spreadlist & uploaded to the usual FTPs. Mail if you want it before it?s moved from incoming on the FTPs.


Updated by MacGyver on 7th January 2007, 14:39 CET

 23. DECEMBER 2002
 Secret Censor tools available! 01:46
Look what just fell down your chimney! A nice little wrapped package, and the sticker says Merry Christmas from none other than CENSOR DESIGN!

Delivered to you through TRIAD. Guess you didn’t expect this, did you? ;)

Remember, don’t open this gift before Christmas Eve! Rumours says it’s some secret tools from good old Bob, though... Updates to this package will be provided from

Best Christmas wishes from CENSOR DESIGN and TRIAD!


 22. DECEMBER 2002
 C=1 article by G?nther Bauer translated 16:29
Thanks to Paul Foerster, now we have an English translation. Below is the article on the CommodoreOne.
Comeback for the Commodore 64

People age 30 grew up with it and most IT professionals started programming on it. We’re talking about the classic home computer of all times, the Commodore 64, regarded to be the best-selling computer of all times.

For many people the dream of the C64 is not yet over, and the American hardware developer, Jeri Ellsworth gives the old breadbox new life. The new project is announced under the name, "CommodoreOne". It is based on an ATX mainboard using a CompactFlash card, which can emulate all classical computers, among which is the C64, of course. In contrast to the usual emulators, this hardware solution offers new possibilities while retaining backward hardware compatibility.

The heart is a 65C816 cpu which is a 16-bit version of the instruction-compatible, 8-bit MOS 6510 of the C64. The 65C816 runs on a 20 times higher clock frequency than the C64 cpu.

The CommodoreOne can be run using a VGA monitor. All video modes of the C64 graphic chip VIC-II are supported. Freaks can discover more video modes; 256 colors can be chosen to be displayed from a palette of 65535 colors. The resolution can be increased from the C64 typical 160x200 and 320x200 up to 1280x1024 pixels. Sprites, the moving objects of the old Commodore, are supported, too, of course.

The CommodoreOne should cost around 200 Euro and should appear during spring 2003. (gb)
 Secret Censor Tools 13:00
The tool set was developed by Robert Gy?rvari aka Bob / Censor, back in 1992-1994.

These tools will revolutionize the development of demos due to simplifying the hard work for the developers and artists by providing code generation of defined areas of the picture, to control the output of a bitmap.

Bob decided to make this to be a X-mas gift to the devoted scene of Commodore 64, MERRY CHRISTMAS - 2002!

This release will be out any day, and will be spread trough the triad-emailspreadlist and will also be avaliable from Updates, tricks n tips will also be avaliable from

Drop an email to to join the TRIAD-spreadlist and you will recieve this christmasgift from Censor into your inboxes.
sailor / TRIAD
 3 new releases 01:31
Hi there, time to put 3 new releases from Hokuto Force under your X?mas tree. They are:

1) Fist 2 Tournament +3
2) Millenium Warriors +8 +pic
3) Raptor +1 +pic

Download?em at
A Merry X?mas and Happy New Year to all :)

 21. DECEMBER 2002
 HVSC Update #34 is released 22:41
The new HVSC Update #34 is now released. This large special one-off update adds over 1,000 new SIDs to the collection along with plenty of fixes. You?ll have 20,325 SID files once the update is run.

Please note that you need to use the Update Tool 2.8.2 to run the update successfully. Windows users get theirs in the update, other OS users will need to consult the Downloads page at the HVSC web page.

Enjoy the new update, and have a great Christmas!
 Digital Talk #58 - now downloadable! 18:32
Merry X-Mas to the C64-Scene! 3 days before Christmas you can find the new issue of the German diskmag Digital Talk at We interviewed Jens Sch?nfeld about the C-1 and you find 2 games for your fun on the backside of the disk.
 New Retro section in commercial publication (UK) 16:14
Greetings all,

Firstly, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Earlier this week (18/12/02) I noticed a new magazine on the shelves of WHSmiths called GamesTM. It has a 28 page Retro section near the back. Now although it is well presented and colour throughout, there are a few common mistakes I have noticed. For instance, they suggest that the C64 was launched in 1983, and it superseded the Vic 20 and Commodore 16, even though the 16 wasn't released until 1984.

If we can get them onside, it would be a great way of letting the UK population know about projects by TND and Protovision etc... So please contact them or post messages and news on their forum. I am, of course, continuing the Retro column in Micro Mart magazine, which has gone full colour itself.

Contact address - gamesTM, Paragon Publishing Ltd, Paragon House, St Peter's Road, Bournemouth. BH1 2JS, United Kingdom. Email: or Website:

Many thanks,
 Another C=1 web article 10:01
G?nther Bauer has written an article about the CommodoreOne for the website, An older photo of the C=1 is used with the story.

You can find the story here (article in German language).

 20. DECEMBER 2002
 CommodoreOne on German TV video 17:09
The CommodoreOne was reported on German TV on Monday, December 16th.
Thanks to Spiro Trikaliotis, the video is now available to those with computers which run MPEG or RealMedia files. Grab it from

The newsclip features extreme close-ups of the C=1 prototype board and Jeri Ellsworth?s hand plugging a CompactFlash card into the board, all accompanied by a German voice-over.

Here a quick translation of the clip for those who don?t speak German. It?s a bit sloppy though ;-)

Eagerly awaited by retrofans and here at "Neues" in front of the camera: the C1. An ATX mainboard that can emulate different retrocomputers, for example, the C64.
A CompactFlash card contains not only the operating system but also controls the behavior of the hardware. The prototype shown here should cost around 249 Euro and hit the market in February, 2003.

Download-Link updated by MacGyver on 27th April 2003, 11:15 CET.
 The Digital Dungeon back online 11:49
The system changed last week of unix flavor, we are now running Debian.

Reachable at:

 Padua sites back online 03:01
As you might have noticed some of the sites operated by Padua (Cocos, C64 Banner Exchange, PADUA iHQ and others) were offline for quite a few days. This was due to a hardware problem (broken power supply) in our server.

We would like to apologize for any inconvience and thank you for your understanding, trust and support (financial and non-financial :) ).

 18. DECEMBER 2002
 C64 Stereo - 4SID 21:12
I'm looking for coders ready to write a music editor which can handle four SIDs. A scheme of this SID plugin is already made. Everyone who's interested can write to this address:
 C64 shrine candle - sold by auction! 18:55
Get one of the fantastic candles of the C64 shrine first presented at M&S 2002!

Hurry up: The auction only runs until the evening of 22nd December 2002!

More information at
 February 2002 CBM Price List 07:22
I have finally put up the Commodore Price List for February 2002 on my geocities site. Originally, this price list appeared in the 20th Anniversary Special issue of the LUCKY Report.

Without further ado, here is the price list:


 17. DECEMBER 2002
 Out of Orderia - How?s this (year) gonna end? 22:25
Still trying to avoid the holy holiday boredom between christmas and new year?s eve? There?s hardly another solution for Commodore sceners than the "Out of Orderia" party taking place December 27 - 29 in south-western Germany.
Find out about the competitions, the first inofficial Chris Huelsbeck impersonator, the exclusive reading of "SCENE WORLD" offered by Katakis, and much more - visit our (updated!) page at (German text).
 Only a few days to tUM*o2 13:42
Hi there fellas. It?s only a few days to christmas and just a few days more to tUM*o2.
For those who don?t know yet... the timetable is now online, the orgas are excited, the weather is nice, too much gluehwein makes dizzy and the bratwurst is almost ready.

 16. DECEMBER 2002
 Lotek64 news 23:38
Despite of some delays, the 4th issue of the German-language print magazine Lotek64 is near completion. In December it ain?t easy to do a small printing task in between, so delivery might take a few more days.

If the postal service plays along - what can?t be garanteed unfortunately - the magazines should reach their subscribers before 24th December.

Lotek64 #04 contents:
- Talk with Uros Bogataj aka DrFloppy, C64 programmer and Amiga freak later on, president of Amiga Klub Slovenija D.A.D.
- Uli M?hl interviewed: The ASM-legend, letters editor and game reviewer about his journalistic past and his jobs afterwards.
- 64HDD: Use your PC-harddisk with the C64. A step-by-step instruction by Birger Hahn.
- Diskmags, part 2: Commodore Disk C64/128 and Commodore Computer Club.
- Review: Mumpitz, a German-language papermag for owners of home computers.
- New Lotek64 series: The story of CD-consoles by Marcin Wilk and Georg Fuchs. Part 1: Commodore CDTV and 3D0.
- Mental Kombat: new release for the Atari VCS 2600.
- Tolkien-games on Commodore 64.

For more information on Lotek 64, contact Lord Lotek.
 More photos from Amiga & Retro Computing 17:07
More photos taken at the Aachen Retro Computing / Amiga Expo have been released. Go to!

In all of the Amiga shots, there is a nice one of Jeri Ellsworth, posing with the CommodoreOne prototype in her hands. That’s here.

 14. DECEMBER 2002
 Fist 2 01:05
Rush to our site and download our version of Fist 2. It includes +6 trainers, pic, dox and the map of the game. Enjoy!

 13. DECEMBER 2002
 Cascade 100% / Protovision released 13:44
Protovision released a fixed version of their freeware game "Cascade". Code, music and graphics by The Blue Ninja / Protovision. Unfortunately the version released at Vision 2002 had a bug: After a while the music messed up. You can download the new version here.
 Dutch radio will cover our C= show! 08:47
Dutch radio will appear at our C= show at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland on Saturday, 21st December. The reporter will make a coverage of the CommodoreOne showed by Jeri Ellsworth (from the USA) and the 32-bit follow-up C64 processor from Gideon Zweijtzer (Holland). Also he will make an item of our show that day. For more information on the Maarssen Commodore Show, go to

 12. DECEMBER 2002
 Devotion compo 10:58
The staff of Enhiridion diskmag and website organize a competition for C-64. Coders, graphicians and musicians can show their skills as well as their creativity. Categories are as follows:

Music Compo:

There are two subcategories: SID COMPO and STEREO COMPO. There aren?t any restrictions for tune lenght as well as for editor used for writing the music (final filetype isn?t important, it could be prg file saved on 5?25?? disk or D64 file, it might be saved also as a PC executable PSID file). Two SID music has to be saved as a prg. In case of any problems with connecting two 3 channel parts, send them to us separately.

Graphic Compo:

Also two subcategories in plans: LOGO COMPO and PICTURE COMPO. All graphic modes and themes allowed. Picture have to be saved as RUN executable shower (so don?t forget to attach Your showing procedure). We don?t accept PC formats such as JPG, GIF or other ones.

Intro Compo:

Two categories: 1 BLOCK INTRO and 4KB INTRO. In the first category only max 1 block long intros are allowed. Intros written for 4kb Intro musn?t exceed 17 blocks on disk after compression.

Additional info:

Time for sending Your productions expires by 15th January 2003. You can send two productions for any category! All works should be signed (just short info about the author) and up to rules mentioned above.

Where should You send Your work? There are two ways:


Marisuz Rozwadowski (postscript DEVOTION COMPO)
ul.Goszczy?skiego 8/96
41-219 Sosnowiec

Please write if diskettes should be send back to You.
 New stuff from down under... 02:57
New Stuff by Fade / Onslaught and BlackBeltJones / Ruffnecks is available here.
The file includes the tunes "Fear me" by Fade and "Kill dialtone" by BlackBeltJones.

Link updated by MacGyver on 6th January 2003, 17:56 CET

 11. DECEMBER 2002
 Insomnia v1.1 by 64ever is out! 17:38
One year and a few days after it?s presentation at X-2001 party (23.-25. November, Veldhoek/Holland) where it got 2nd place, Insomnia, the demo which without any doubts belongs to the best demos released in the past few years, is finally released. Many effects were improved, the demo is relieved from graphical and technical glitches and ready to hit your screens. Say your opinion at Pouet.

This is an updated version of the demo because the first version had a loader which didn?t work on many diskdrives. This version should work on most original diskdrives, it won't work on clones (e. g. Oceanic drives) though. Many thanks to Raven & all Beta-testers! Download v1.1.

Insomnia v1.0 was released on 3rd / 4th December 2002.
 Rock?n Role #27 released 08:23
ROLE released issue #27 of their traditional diskmag Rock?n Role. The outfit has been improved, and 16 chapters are waiting to be read. Download.

Ed: No, the mag has only one discside. /MacGyver

 10. DECEMBER 2002
 Mini-Noter V1.0 21:05
I produced a li?l tool for fun called Mini-Noter V1.0. Click here to download.
 Danzig joined Nostalgia 19:38
Today DANZiG joined NOSTALGiA as Cracker and NTSC Fixer !
Mr.Alpha / Nostalgia
 X-mas comes early to the original C64HQ! 18:40
The original C64HQ has been updated once again! Hundreds of new games and some other things, such as docs, maps and solutions! Enjoy!

 9. DECEMBER 2002
 Amiga & Retro Computing and CommodoreOne 12:57
The German mainstream computer newssite reported about the Amiga & Retro Computing fair, the CommodoreOne is also mentioned. Read it here.

First pictures from Amiga & Retro Computing are available here, including two CommodoreOne related photos. Photo 1, photo 2.
 Hyperlink 2.5a 09:59
Welcome to the future of Commodore hypermedia: the new HyperLink 2.5a! Read hypertext documents and surf the World Wide Web right from your C64! The feature-packed upgrade to HyperLink 2.0 and 2.5, HyperLink 2.5a blasts your Commodore 64 onto the Internet using the HyperLink Parsing Proxy to download web pages and images to your C64! Now you can surf the Internet without a SuperCPU.

 8. DECEMBER 2002
 New Commodore One Site launched 23:18
You can find new information about our upcoming platform here ;)
 Forgotten Ideas - covercompo! 15:07
In the days of Internet snail-swapping’s popularity has decreased a lot. It also means that the amount of new disk-covers is much smaller than in 1990-1998... Forgotten Ideas - a competition for the best cover - is the attempt to make this cover business a bit more active. Here are the rules for this competition in brief: the deadline is the 31st of May 2003, some necessary information needs to be written on the cover: its author, name, date of completion and name of this competition. When your cover is ready, do 3 good quality copies of it and send them to:

Mariusz Mlynski
os. Pawlikowskiego 9a/3
44-240 Zory

Contributions will be judged by me, CreaMD/DMagic and Zeitgeist/Civitas. The prizes are rather symbolic - 100 covers and an album connected with drawings made by scene people for the 1st place, 75 for the 2nd place, 50 for the 3rd place, 25 for the 4th and 5th place. Also, every person who contributes a cover for this competition will get a small gift from me as a sign of my appreciation. Check out the compo website - - containing the detailed info and the comments section. I’m waiting for your contributions from now on, do your best! :-)
 Alternative Party 2003 14:23
The Alternative Party is back, with a vengeance. A huge amount of positive feedback was received for the last Alternative Party and this one promises to be better in all respects, without losing our core values: experimentation, creativity, attitude and fun.

The party has now diversified even more than before. We are promoting demos as a form of art, instead of just something to lock away in a cupboard. People should continue to look at new ways of expressing themselves through the media, and not get stagnated. To help us along the way many artists and musicians will be performing live.

Our special guests this year include Jeff Minter (author of Revenge of the Mutant Camels and many other classics) and Andrew Whittacker (games including Alien vs Predator on the Atari Jaguar).

As always, the C64 will be an important part of this with many famous C64 crews taking part.

The party will take place on 10th-12th January 2003 in Helsinki, Finland.

For more information, and an invitation intro by Dekadence for the Vic20, visit the website:

Also, do not forget our Alt Scene community site, which can be edited by anyone:

Updated by MacGyver on 9th December 2003, 15:15 CET

 7. DECEMBER 2002
 Pop-Bashing from Creators released today 18:51
Music by dalezy/Creators, code and graphics by Mermaid/Creators. Get it here.
 New REMEMBER releases are out! 03:15
Finally, after months we bring you the 3 long awaited disks which you can download directly HERE!

If you want to download every release in a single Zip image, visit Immortal Antiques.

Anyway, new releases are:

The Castles Of Doctor Creep, Cliff Hanger, The Train, S.W.A.T., Jr. Pac-Man, Indy Heat, Hollywood Poker Pro, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Iball, Iball II, Aftermath, Tomcat, Silk Worm, Hellfire, One Man And His Droid, Starquake, Psycho Pigs UXB, Tales Of The Arabian Nights and Omega Race.

Re-releases are:

White Viper (nr.56) and Bubble Bobble (nr.161).

 6. DECEMBER 2002
 Christmas booze 16:33
If you have the biggest one, you will have the longest lasting fun! And they have the biggest... christmas tree! And so gALAKTUS / Dienstagstreff and Pater Pi / Church of 64 invite you to Sceners' mulled claret killing at the Christmas Market in Dortmund, Germany.

When? Where? How?
Date: Sunday, 15th December 2002
Time: 16:00 CET
Place: Christmas Market Dortmund, Germany, in front of the big tree.

If you have any questions, contact gALAKTUS.
 Digitizer via Datassette 14:25
With this program you can digitize a sound produced by the Datassette.
Once the sound is digitized keeps in memory (approximately 8 seconds), producing to sampler that soon you can listen with a player that incorporates this program.
This program is available here:
 CommodoreOne team present at our C= show! 11:51
We are proud to tell you that Jeri Ellsworth (from the USA) of CommodoreOne fame and Jens Sch?nfeld (Germany) of Individual Computers will be attending the C= show on December 21 at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland (from 10:00 till 16:00). Also Gideon Zweijtzer (Holland) will be present and we will have than the CommodoreOne team complete! For more information on the Maarssen Commodore Show, go to

 4. DECEMBER 2002
 Insomnia by 64ever finally released 00:42
One year and a few days after it?s presentation at X-2001 party (23.-25. November, Veldhoek/Holland) where it got 2nd place, Insomnia, the demo which without any doubts belongs to the best demos released in the past few years, is finally released. Many effects were improved, the demo is relieved from graphical and technical glitches and ready to hit your screens. Download this masterpiece and Enjoy. Say your opinion at Pouet.

To ensure that the demo works on real C64 drives do this:
1. Format both disk sides using slow format: (open1,8,15,"n0:name,id":close15) 2. Transfer the D64 using Star Commander set to normal transfer speed 3. Ignore the emulator detection message, it's faulty. 4. Run the drive test. If it passes, yo! The Demo should work. 5. Run the demo and Enjoy!

As an alternative to the above, courtesy of Steppe:
1. Make zipcode files with 64copy 3.4b (from Fairlight Tools). 2. Copy those onto disk with Star Commander. 3. Get the Zip Collection 2 from Gangsta's Paradise. 4. Unzip the 1! 2! 3! 4! files on the C64 to a previously formatted disk with Zip Collection 2 using Slow Format (F3) and if needed turn ZIP DOS off (F7). 5. Run demo and enjoy!

Updated by MacGyver on 11th December 2002, 17:57 CET.

 3. DECEMBER 2002
 Scener?s Birthday Announcer launched 20:59
In cooperation with C64 Scene Database we have launched another long planned feature of this site. Scener’s birthday announcer. Thanx to Perff/Noname for help. Enjoy.

 1. DECEMBER 2002
 3 new releases by TND 18:37
The New Dimension has released 3 new productions. These are DMC Album V4 Vol 2., featuring another 8 tunes composed by Richard Bayliss. We also have a couple of small games. The first of which is Pudding Breath by TND and also Smaller Bigger written by Laze Ristoski.

I?ve also added a bit of news regarding what happened last week.

The New Dimension
 NanoSIDPlay V0.1B released 11:27
NanoSIDPlay is a new SID-player, written by slc of kvasigen, using Laurent?s new SID-engine NanoSID. NanoSID differs from many other SID-players in the way that it cannot play standard SID-files, but its own format called zsid (Zipped SID). This format has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages is that it allows for easier and less resource-consuming emulation of filtereffects. The length of the tunes can also be extracted as it is stored in the zsid-file.

The engine is VERY fast and can run in realtime on a 386 computer according to Laurent himself. Laurent is also the author of the quite known LittleSID which also has been known for being very good on filter-emulation.

NanoSIDPlay V0.1B and zsid-files are available here.

Send feedback and bugreports to

Link updated by MacGyver 14th December 2002, 0:12 CET
 December Beta News (2) 11:20
December Beta News

Retro Holiday Classics from the Commodore 64 DEC 13 2002 19:10
Where are they? DEC 22 2002 00:48
Discussion: 58 reactions   |  Written by MacGyver
 "Capture 2 - 102%" - brought to you by TRIAD 00:12
Not satisfied with the bug-ridden original or equally buggy introlink by Excess of "Capture 2"? Then make sure you grab our 102% version of this game, bugfixed and shortend by iopop.

Normally, we in TRIAD keep as far away as we can from games released by The New Dimension, but this time things has proven to be slightly different. Originally developed by Paul Kubiszyn, "Capture 2" proved to be a decent puzzle-game, filled with flaws mainly deriving from the fact that it was finished off by Richard Bayliss.

What we present to you is the real - 102% - version of a nice game. A version worth playing. Point taken? Grab it from your local TRIAD dealer, or mail to sign up with the TRIAD spreadlist and get it via e-mail.

You can also download the TRIAD version from The Digital Dungeon.

Download-link updated by MacGyver on 7th January 2007, 14:37 CET.


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